280        "Actinomycosis" and Actinobacillosis in Animals

On histological examination there could be no doubt about the actino-
mycotic nature of the lesions. In the cheek, the " nodule " consisted of an
abscess, about 0.75 cm. in diameter, in the thickness of the cheek away from
the outer surface. The focus consisted mainly of polymorphs and contained
numerous actino-bodies in different stages of formation. The Gram-positve
branching streptothrix could be easily demonstrated in the lesion (Plate XX,
fig. 2). It showed occasional terminal swellings, and slightly uneven Gram-
positive character.

In the skin the dermis showed signs of connective tissue proliferation
(Plate XX, fig. 3) and contained a few pus-foci with actino-bodies due to the
Gram-positive streptothrix.

                              F. SPECIMEN 245, B/1934

The material was from a twelve-months old, cocoanut-sized, inoperable
tumour of the lower lip of a bullock from Sind. Actinomycosis was suspected
and confirmed by the evidence of " a few actino-granules " and " numerous
mycelial masses ".

It was unfortunate that old sections of this material were not available
and that the material had become exhausted except for pieces of what appeared
to be the reacting well-formed connective tissue. Repeated attempts to verify
the diagnosis by making fresh sections proved of little value as nothing but the
old granulomatous tissue was encountered in sections.

Yet, by the situation of the lesion [ Cf. Specimens 175/1934 (p. 279) and
194/1937 (p. 284)] and by the diagnosis already given in 1934, there seems
little doubt that the case was one of actinomycosis.

In connection with the formation of abundant connective tissue in this
case, the quotation from Cope [1930] may be continued :

      "..........Thirdly, everyone who has seen much of actinomycosis must
            have pondered over the remarkable reaction which the fungus causes
            in the connective tissues. I think it was Unna who pointed
            out that here we have an almost unique example of tissue reaction at
            a distance, for the changes may take place at a considerable distance
            from the place where the fungus is situated, and it is possible to cut
            many sections of the curiously hard gristly fibrous tissue, without find-
            ing any filaments of the parasite. This connective tissue reaction
            differs considerably from that found in tuberculosis and syphilis not
            only in the relative proportion of the various kinds of cells found in it,
            but also in the fact that the blood vessels are not obliterated. Exact-
            ly how the fungus causes the reaction is unknown ".

                              G. SPECIMEN 192/1936

This specimen consisted of a piece of tumour from the nostril of a buffalo
from the Civil Veterinary Department, Agra, U. P., presumably suspected for
Schistosomic nasal granuloma. No other information was available in this
case. A preliminary diagnosis of " actinomycosis " was given, but as no Gram-
positive micro-organism was seen in sections a detailed study of the specimen
was continued. At the end, the growth was diagnosed as actinobacillosis.