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The spherical ovary with a diameter of 0.16 — 0.44 lies a little in front of
the anterior testis, between the compact shell gland complex and the base of
the intestine. A small Laurer's canal arises from the oviduct just before it
enters the shell gland complex. The vitellaria are composed of small, oval
follicles arranged longitudinally in pairs along the sides of the body and extend
from in front of the ovary to the anterior one fifth or eighth of body length.
The intricately coiled uterus occupies most of the space between the genital
sinus and the first quarter of the body length. The eggs are oval in shape and
deep brown in colour and measure 0.019 — 0.02 × 0.011—0.013 in size.

The excretory bladder is a simple, long, tube extending from the anterior
level of vitellaria to the hinder end where it opens to the exterior.

Odhner in 1905 created the genus Prosorhynchus for the species of Gaster-
ostomes which possess a rhynchus at the anterior end of the body, with P.
crucibulus Rud., 1819, as the type species. A number of species have subse-
quently been described under the genus. Ozaki in 1924 described a new species,
P. uniporus, and a new trematode, Gotonius facilis, from the pyloric
appendages and intestine of Inimicus japonicus. The latter parasite has a
cylindrical body and a median ovary, in addition to possessing a rhynchus at
the anterior end. Pigulewsky [1931] described a new genus, Mordvilkovia,
with M. elongata, as the type species. Eckmann [1932] dropped the
genus Gotonius as a synonym of Prosorhynchus and definitely included P.
aculeatus Odhner, 1905, P. crucibulus Rudolphi, 1819, P. facilis Ozaki, 1924,
under Prosorhynchus. The account of P. grandis Lebour, 1908, was not
available to her. Though a rhynchus is known to be present in both P. triglae
Nicoll, 1914, and Gasterostomum viperae van Beneden, 1870, their descriptions
are not sufficient to determine their specific characteristics. She considers
P. crucibulum Manter, 1931, as ' species inquirendae ' and doubtfully includes
Gasterostomum sp. which Linton [1910] described from Mycteroperca vennosa.
Tseng Shen in 1930 described P. vennei for which Eckmann created the genus
Dollfustrema in 1934 [Syn. Dollfusina Eckmann, 1932]. Gasterostomum
Linton, 1910, was raised to the rank of a genus in 1929 by Dollfus who
created Prosorhynchoides for it. In 1934, Manter described P. ozakii and
Yamaguti Gotonius pletycephali, from American and Japanese fishes
respestively. Verma described in 1936 P. truncatus, an immature form
obtained from a marine fish at Puri.

As a result of a comparative study of the known species of the genera
Prosorhynchus and Gotonius, the author is convinced that the latter is synony-
mous with the former. In the following table are indicated the shape of the