H. D. SRIVASTAVA                             337

Only four specimens, all mature, of this species were recovered from the
intestine of its host examined at Karachi in June 1936. The elongated, cylin-
drical body in permanent mounts measures 3.3—4.5 in length and 0.4—0.6
in maximum breadth which occurs at the level of ovary. The cuticle has
extremely fine spines which are hardly visible in toto mounts. At the anterior
end of the body is a baloon-shaped rhynchus of 0.22 — 0.3 × 0.16 in size. The
small, globular pharynx of 0.06 — 0.08 in diameter is situated to the left of the

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

Fig. 10.
Frosorhynhus arabiana n. sp.