H. D. SRIVASTAVA                                     373

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]

Fig. 3. O. jumnai n. sp.

a smooth, cylindrical body of 5.45 in length and 1.2 in maximum breadth in
the region of the testes. The ovoid oral sucker 0.24 × 0.26 in size, has a pair
of posterio-lateral pouches and opens to the outside through a small vestibule.
The strongly muscular, cup-shaped acetabulum of 0.66 in diameter is situated
subterminally at the hinder end of the body. The narrow oesophagus, 0.32
long, opens posteriorly into an oesophageal bulb, 0.3 × 0.16 in size. The
caeca extend in a wavy course up to the level of the ovary.

The two spherical testes are situated in tandem in the intercaecal space
in the middle of the body length. They measure 0.66—0.75 in diameter.
