214       New Parasites of the Genus Acanthocolpus Luhe

The testes, two in number, are situated in tandem in the intercaecal
space close behind the ovary. The oval anterior testis, of 0.48 to .052 by
0.26 to 0.28 size, lies in contact or partially overlapping the posterior testis,
which is wedge-shaped and measures 0.5 to 0.6 by 0.3 to 0.34 in size. The 
cirrus sac measures 1.0 to 1.1 by 0.12—0.16 in size and consists of a swollen
posterior part and an elongated, attenuated anterior part. It encloses in its
swollen posterior part a bipartite vesicula seminalis, 0.34 to 0.54 by 0.08 to
0.14, which is continued anteriorly into a small and narrow pars prostatica,
0.14 to 0.3 by 0.02 to 0.08 and a 0.32 to 0.52 long ductus ejaculatorius
which is armed with spines. Terminally the ductus ejaculatorius joins the
metraterm to form a genital sinus of 0.1 to 0.16  by 0.04 to 0.06 size.
The genital sinus is armed with spines and opens to the outside just in front
of the acetabulum, between the latter and the intestinal bifurcation.
(Plate XVIII, fig. 1).

The small, spherical, median ovary of 0.12 to 0.16 diameter is situated
just behind the anterior half of the body length. The shell gland complex
is diffuse and lies on one side of the ovary. A small Laurer's canal is present
but receptaculum seminis is absent. The vitellaria are composed of a large
number of small follicles extending laterally from behind the anterior quarter
of the body length to the hinder end. The follicles meet mesially in the post-
testicular space. The uterus is pre-ovarian and contains a fairly large number
of operculate eggs of 0.07 to 0.08 by 0.03 to 0.04 size. The metraterm is a
well developed, tubular, sinuous structure of 0.4 to 0.6 by 0.08 to 0.1 size.
It is armed with minute spines.

Acanthocolpus luhei, n. sp. resembles the type species A. liodorus Luhe,
1906, in several of its features, but it differs from the latter in the presence of
cuticular spines, the absence of an acetabular peduncle, size ratio of the
suckers, smaller length of the genital sinus and the anterior extent of the
vitellaria, besides differences in the measurements of the various organs.

                               Acanthocolpus indicum, n. sp.

Host.Sciaena glauca Day.
Locality.—Karachi, Arabian Sea.

This species resembles Acanthocolpus luhei in most of its features but
differs from it mainly in the position of the genital pore. The genital sinus
passes through the anterio-median wall of the acetabulum and opens into the
middle of the latter. (Plate XVIII, fig. 2). The measurements of the parasite

Size of body 3.0 by 0.62 ; oral sucker 0.06 by 0.08 ; acetabulum 0.22
in diameter, situated at the anterior fifth of body length. Prepharynx 0.18
long ; pharynx 0.08 by 0.06 ; oesophagus small; caeca simple, straight, reach-
ing the hinder end. Testes tandem, median, intercaecal, close behind ovary ;
anterior testis 0.38 by 0.22 ; posterior testis 0.48 by 0.2 ; cirrus sac 1.0 by
0.12 ; vesicular seminalis bipartite, 0.4 by 0.1 ; pars prostatica 0.2 by 0.04 ;