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The following table gives the values of simple correlations between the
several factors:—

Correlations based on residual variance eliminating seasons and feeds.



Protein consumption and per cent increase in live-weight .

— .511


Mineral intake and per cent increase in live-weight .



Protein consumption and number of parasites . .

+ .308

+ .398

Mineral intake and number of parasites . . .


+ .451

Live-weight and number of parasites . . . .

+ .503


* Significant at P = .05.

The negative correlation between mineral intake and number of parasites
is significant only in the case of calves.


In this experiment various cheap anthelmintics were tried against Hea-
monchosis and Oesophagostomiasis in calves and sheep, and the combination
of copper sulphate with kamala has proved to be the best; next in efficiency
is the combination of copper sulphate with sodium arsenite. Further, experi-
mentation points to the probability that mineral deficiencies lower the resis-
tance of animals to parasitic infestation. This shows some tendency in the
case of sheep (Appendix A) but is statistically significant in the case of calves.


I am indebted to Mr. W. Taylor, M.R.C.V.S., D.V.H., I.V.S., Director,
Imperial Veterinary Research Institute, Mukteswar, and Captain U. W. F.
Walker, M.C., M.R.C.V.S., I.V.S., Principal, Punjab Veterinary College,
Lahore, for their valuable suggestions and kind help.

Thanks are also due to Mr. A. C. Aggarwala, B.Sc. (Hons.), M.R.C.V.S.,
Professor of Animal Husbandry, and Sardar Sahib Sardar Mool Singh, G.P.V.C.,
Professor of Pharmacology for reviewing the Nutrition and Anthelmintic
portions respectively.

I also wish to place on record my appreciation of the pains taken by
Mr. T. Krishnamurti, B.Sc., of the Statistical Section, Imperial Council of
Agricultural Research, for the statistical analysis contained in this paper.