136                  A Simple ' Ram-Ko ' Method for Estimation of Fat in Milk

the bottom of the water bath. After the first
three minutes, the tube is taken out and shaken
vigorously and returned to the bath. After
another three minutes, the above process is
repeated. The tube is then kept for 10 minutes
in the bath, when all the fat should separate out
as a clear liquid on the top. The tube is now
taken out, gently turned upside down and returned
to the bath keeping it in the original position for
another three minutes. Then the tube is finally
taken out and the column of fat then read in the
neck of the butyrometer which is graduated to
give the reading in percentages.

By this method, very satisfactory results were
obtained with whole milk, skim milk, buttermilk
and whey in the investigations carried out.

Further work on this problem is still in progress,
aimed at standardizing a still simpler type of
butyrometer and also substituting iso-butyl alcoho
by a cheaper solvent.


A simple (Ram-Ko) butyrometric method using
alkaline solution is described for the determination
of fat in milk and milk products. The method
ensures the same degree of accuracy in results as
that obtained with the Gerber test and has the
added advantage that the initial cost of the equip
ment as well as of testing the samples is very low
since no centrifuge is required.


Harvey and Hill (1936). Milk production and Control
Nichol, H. (1937). Minnesota test for fat in ice cream
Dairy Industries 2, 284