246                 Sea-Water in the Treatment of Canine Mange-Sarcoptic & Follicular

the parasites to live in, still remain to be investi-


1. The injection of sea-water intraperitoneally
as well as intravenously has been found to effect a
complete cure of cases of sarcoptic and follicular
manges in canine patients. About 20 cases of the
former variety and about 30 cases of the latter
variety were treated both in this laboratory and
outside with success.

2. The general condition of the affected animals
has invariably been found to be greatly improved
as a result of treatment with this remedy.

3.  A dose of ½ c.c. per kg., of body
weight, the maximum being 20 c.c. for the heaviest
animal, has been found to be tolerated generally,
and the mode of administration is intraperitoneal
given every alternate day or even every day.
Caution should, however, be exercised in treating
highly debilitated animals and those previously
suffering from nephritis and cases weighing less
than 2 lb. or pups below the age of six months.

4. A case of ringworm in a bull was also treated
with success. It had two courses of injections
intravenously, with a dose of 40 c.c. and 60 c.c.
respectively. The period of treatment was four

5. The results of treatment made so far confirm
the view that the condition of the host is a strong
factor in determining its susceptibility to an infec-
tion by Demodex.


Thanks are due to the Principal, Madras Veteri-
nary College and his staff, Dr P. Srinivasa Rao of
Wallajan Road, Madras, Mr Ramaswamy Naidu
of Gopalpuram, the Superintendent, Livestock
Research Station, Hosur Cattle Farm, and his
staff for all the help rendered by them in carrying
out the investigations and to the Principal,
Madras Medical College, the Surgeon-General with
the Government of Madras and the Director of
Veterinary Services, Madras, for their interest in
the work. Thanks are also due to the Imperial
Council of Agricultural Research under whose aus-
pices and financial help this research was carried
out at the later stages.


Monnig, H. O. (1939). Veterinary Heliminthology and
Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, London p. 384-5