
66.The number of colts castrated during 1893-94 (vide Table XIII, page
xxxv) was as follows :—

North-Western Provinces and Oudh ... ... ...


Punjab, including Derajat ... ... ... ...


Baluchistan ... ... ... ... ...


Bombay ... ... ... ... ...




67.Bengal may be said to have made but little progress; the number
castrated in 1892-93 having been 1,444 as against 1,475 during the year under
review. The falling off in the number castrated in Bombay is to be regretted;
it being only 109 during the past year against 326 in 1892-93 and 320 in 1891-
92. With reference to this the Superintendent, Bombay, reports:—

The attention of Veterinary graduates in charge of dispensaries has been called to the
fact that in horse-breeding districts it is one of their chief duties.

The salutris attached to the Department appeared to make little headway, owing to the
aversion the ryot has to get his colt castrated.

68.This explanation is not satisfactory, and I consider that renewed
exertions should be made to increase the number castrated.