Next to North Punjab comes the Derajat. The percentage of mares that
held to the number covered is actually better, reaching, as it does, 36 per cent.,
but the average per stallion is slightly lower.

South Punjab comes next with an average of 13.74 per stallion em-
ployed and a percentage of 29.61 of mares that held to the number covered.

The working in Bombay is shown as referring to horses only; pony breed-
ing not being taken into calculation. The working shown is decidedly bad.
The results being an average of only 24.6 per cent. of mares held to the
number covered, and the average per stallion employed in Sindh and Cutch
being only 5.23 is the worst during the year under review.

49. We cannot possibly claim to be able to show good working until we
reach 40 per cent. of successes to the number of mares covered, and I am pleased
to find that the North Punjab are gradually working to this point. Forty per
cent. is the general average, I believe, of successful coverings on the
Continent, although it is frequently higher at home; but in this country
where we have to contend against the ignorance of the breeder and want of
supervision of the stallions, we can, I fear, never expect to reach the high
percentages reached in England.

50. One important step has been taken this year, viz., that of providing each
stand with bridles for the mares at the time of covering. Hitherto, the mares
were frequently held with a piece of rope which broke whilst they were being
covered, the result being that the operation was not successful. The supply of
bridles to each stand will, I feel, supply a long felt want.


51. The number of colts castrated (Table XIII, page xlvii) during the two
past years has been as follows :—



North-Western Provinces and Oudh ... ...



North Punjab ... ... ... ...



South Punjab ... ... ... ...



Derajat ... ... ... ...



Baluchistan ... ... ... ...



Bombay ... ... ... ...





52. The increase, although small, is satisfactory. The number shown as
having been castrated in Baluchistan does not show the actual number operat-
ed on, as reliable statistics are not forthcoming from this Agency. Prior to 1st
April 1895, no Zilladars were appointed, but from that date 4 have been sanc-
tioned, and it is also hoped that 4 Salutris will be appointed, as none are now
available to develop castration which would become very popular with the