The Deputy Commissioner reports as follows :—

" From a reference to previous records it would appear that Jhang, a district formerly reckon-
ed as among the first in matters pertaining to horse-breeding, has sunk to a position almost of

" This may be due to fluctuating interest shown from time to time in the cause of horse
breeding by the local authorities as evinced by the variations in the amount of prize money
offered, or it may be that Jhang zemindars have lost their canning and no longer manifest pride in
the maintenance of good horses.

" From what I saw of the fair, I am disposed to think that there was no lack of interest dis-
played by zemindars; the animals shown were well kept and nourished, and the fact that branded
mares and fillies were both admirable classes shows that there is a distinct desire to breed, and
that zemindars are not parting with valuable stock."

134. To endeavour to cause this district to occupy that high position in
horse breeding which it once held, I shall recommend the allotment of Rs. 350
as prizes for next year, but should the show not prove a success, the question
of its abolition will have to be considered.

Horse Fair.

135. The Jullunder Horse and Cattle Fair was held from 5th to 13th October
1894. No money is allotted as prizes from Imperial funds, but Rs. 300 are
awarded by the district.

136. This fair, as far as horses are concerned, makes but little progress.
The numbers present this year was 447 against 441 in 1893.

137. Hitherto only one Norfolk Trotter has been employed in this district.
The zemindars, however, asked for a lighter class of horse; a good English
thoroughbred has been sent with a view of encouraging them, and I trust now
that two horses are employed, an improvement will take place.

138. One gelding was bought by the Remount Agent. This officer suggests
that Arab blood should be introduced; with this recommendation I fully
agree, but the difficulty is that this Department cannot at present obtain
sufficient stallions of this class.

I am pleased to find that four mules were purchased.

Kurnal Horse

139. This show was held on 22nd and 23rd February 1895. The Inspector-
General, Civil Veterinary Department, was present and was satisfied with the pro-
gress made by this district. The quality of the animals exhibited compared
most favourably with that seen in other districts in the Southern Punjab.

140. There was a slight falling off in the total number of animals present,
but this was due to the fact that fewer dealers attended. There was, however,
an. increase of 70 belonging to Breeders, which is an important feature. 465
of these were present, and the whole, with the exception of 15 animals, belong-
ed to the Kurnal district.

141. I am pleased to find that the dates fixed are reported by the Deputy
Commissioner to have been suitable.

142. The best class was undoubtedly that of " Branded fillies"; 49 competed
and nearly all were the produce of Government stallions. With the steady
improvement which is taking place in the brood stock, Kurnal promises to be
an excellent breeding district.

143. During the show time, the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment, was able to brand 42 very useful mares and fillies.

144. The Deputy Commissioner in his report, states:—

" Next year the experiment of concentrating the Umballa and Delhi shows at Kurnal might be
tried with advantage."

I agree that it would be advisable to concentrate these small shows; their
multiplicity prevents their being good horse markets. Officers from Native
Cavalry Regiments would be more likely to attend if they thought great num-
bers of horses would be present. I would gladly recommend the Government of
India to sanction the amount of money now allotted to the three shows being
given as prizes to a. central show at Kurnal, if I thought that the Umballa,
Delhi, and Rohtak zemindars would bring their stock to Kurnal. This ques-
tion will be referred to the Government of Punjab for favour of opinion.

145. Five remounts were purchased for Native Cavalry.