171. With this opinion I fully agree. Having attended the show I satisfied
myself that but few of the exhibits belonged to the district, and those that did
were decidedly poor. Mule breeding is likely to prosper much more than horse
breeding ; still, I would regret to drop any endeavour which has been made to
improve the horse stock of the district. It was therefore decided with the
Deputy Commissioner, Major Egerton, who takes a lively interest in the mat-
ter, to remove one Thoroughbred English and two Hackneys, and to supply
two small high caste Arabs which will be more suitable for the mares, also to in-
crease the donkey power. This latter I look upon as essential, as there are
many mares in this district suitable for mule breeding.

The abolition of this show will, I feel, not be detrimental to the interests
of the district, as the distance from Gujrat is small.

172. Two remounts were purchased by the Remount Agent. The Super-
intendent, Civil Veterinary Department, in conclusion, states:—

" The arrangements for the show were most complete and convenient; all the classes being
collected and brought into the judging ring with great punctuality ."

Umballa Horse

173. This show was held from 5th to 7th March 1895, and, as far as num-
bers went, must be looked upon as having been a great success. The numbers
having risen from 465 last year to 1,320 on this occasion.

174. The Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department, attended this
show, and was much struck with the poor quality of the horse stock of this
district especially does this refer to the brood mares which, as a rule, are
flatsided, narrow-chested, and deficient in bone.

175. In the last Annual Administration Report of this Department, it was
stated that this district possessed more stallions, the property of district Boards
and Courts of Wards, and I sincerely trust that these will be maintained, as they
will tend to improve the horse stock generally. On this point the Superinten-
dent, Civil Veterinary Department, reports :—

" The young stock by District Board stallions showed up well and it is evident that the
introduction of these animals is having good results ."

This system having been introduced but a short time, only geldings and
foals competed for prizes; still, 63 were exhibited and amongst these there were
many of great promise.

176. The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, further states:—

" The Arabs which have been in the district some time do not seem to mate well with the
mares and two Hackneys will be substituted at an early date."

With this I quite agree. The mares of this district have now one or two
strains of Arab blood and will, I feel certain, mate well with the small compact
short-legged Hackney now being sent to India by General Sir J. Watson.
This shows how necessary it is to have sires of different classes, as the mares
of Upper India vary so considerably in make and shape.

The Deputy Commissioner remarks that

" it was unfortunate and discouraging that no remounts were purchased this year."

I quite agree, but still I am compelled to own that after careful inspection
of all the animals present at the show, none fit for remounts were to be


Pokhur Horse

177 This fair, held from 9th to 13th November 1894, varies but little in the
number of horses, &c., which attended. We find that in 1888, 1,064 were pre-
sent, whilst on this occasion, 1,169 are said to have entered the show, this
number being only 17 more than there were last year.

178. This fair never attracts owners desiring to compete for prizes, so much
so that, on this occasion, only Rs. 55 were given out of Rs. 100 allotted for
the 3 classes named in the prospectus. This amount can be used with greater
advantages at other shows and will be re-allotted for the year 1895-96.

179. The Principal, Rajputana Veterinary School, states :—

" The number of horses suitable for Army and Police remounts was this year above that of
last but the prices asked for this class of horses were very high which accounts for the small