Captain Westlake, the Remount Agent, is of opinion that the quality
of the horses at Sonepore Fair is deteriorating.

The officer purchasing for 4th Bengal Cavalry is of opinion that this
fair should be abolished for Bengal Cavalry remounts, as the market is entire-
ly spoilt by natives coming from Calcutta.

186. I regret to have to report that a case of glanders was detected at this
fair, but owing to the fact that Act XX of 1879, Glanders and Farcy Act, is not
extended to Bengal, no action could be taken in the matter. I shall again
allude to this when remarking on the prevalence of glanders in India.


Mule Fair.

187. This fair, held from 27th to 30th November 1894, was started with
a view of encouraging a market for mules that are brought into the Darjeeling
district with merchandise. That this fair is becoming popular as it becomes
known is proved by the fact that whilst in 1892 only 10 mules were brought
and last year 158, on this occasion over 250 were offered for sale.

188. The Mountain Battery stationed at Jalapahar purchased 9 very fair
mules at an average of Rs. 260, and the Transport Department 162 at an aver-
age of Rs. 133. More animals would have been bought, but they did not reach
the minimum height of 12-2.

189. The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal, Veteri-
nary Captain Gunn, remarks :—

" The number of mules obtained may be considered a very satisfactory argument in favor of
encouraging the market, the Committee of which have done so much to develop the trade.

" It was considered advisable to divide the Rs. 150 granted for prizes from Imperial funds
in the proportion of 4 prizes, amounting to Rs. 75, for mules suitable for Artillery purposes, and
6 prizes amounting to Rs. 75 for transport animals. This was done as an inducement for the
traders to bring larger mules."

190. In order to foster this trade, it has been decided, with the sanction of
the Government of India, to allot the sum of Rs. 500 for prizes to be awarded at
the fair to held next November. Early sanction was obtained for the allot-
ment of this amount in order that notice might be issued amongst the import-
ers. It is confidently hoped that this will be the means of making this fair one
of great importance, especially for the Transport Department.

Veterinary Captain Gunn further adds :—

" The show of hill ponies was fairly good but very numerous. Nine belonged to visitors to
the fair and competed for a special prize. Thirty-one belonged to dealers. They were judged in
the manner usual at horse fairs, and marks were given for soundness, quality, power, and action.

" As the show is yet in its infancy, it cannot be expected that the increase will be great;
nevertheless, it was a decided improvement on the show of last year, both in numbers and quality.

" It has been considered advisable to encourage the Bhooteas to bring in young animals, parti-
cularly stallions, as these animals would make an excellent cross with the Burman ponies, and give
that power and stamina which the present breed of Burman lacks. Only one stallion colt was
present, but it was too young to purchase. If the Burmese Government would send an annual
indent for these stallions, no doubt they would be forthcoming."

A copy of above extract has been sent to the Chief Commissioner, Burma,
as pony stallions are very difficult to obtain in that country.


Quetta Horse

191. This horse show was held on 12th and 13th October 1894, and in my
opinion was an unqualified success.

292. This is only the sixth annual show held at Quetta, and when we look
back to the year 1890, we find that the total number of horse stock attending the
show was 235 ; when compared with last year, we find that 858 animals were
present, and that on this occasion 1,342 were brought up. In other words, the
numbers attending have increased in five years from 235 to 1,342, and we also
find an increase of 484 over last year. These figures speak for themselves and
testify to the popularity of the show.