The increase is mainly due to the Punjab, which shows 1,224 more ex-
hibits than last year. The quality of the exhibits this year was undoubtedly
good, and year by year an improvement is noticed in this direction. The
breeders are beginning to know what class of animal is likely to take a prize,
and horses of very inferior quality are no longer brought into the ring.

223. One of the most satisfactory features was the large increase in the
number of animals, the property of breeders, showing that the industry is
gaining popularity year by year. The numbers are as follows:—

1893-94 ... ... ... ... ...


1894-95 ... ... ... ... ...


Of the total of 26,680, 15,882 belonged to breeders in the Punjab.

224. Most of the fairs show a most satisfactory increase; most noticeable
amongst these being Delhi, Dera Ghazi Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Hansi,
Lahore, Shahpur, and Umballa in the Punjab. The fairs showing a decrease
in this Province being Bannu, Jallalabad, Jhang, and Multan. Batesar,
Bulandshahr, and Muzaffarnagar show a falling off in the North-Western Pro-
vinces, as also do the Ahmednagar and Bhuj shows in Bombay. Quetta and
Sibi in Baluchistan show a material increase.

225. Every endeavour was made during the year to prevent fairs clashing,
and I am pleased to be able to report that this was accomplished. Endeavours
are now being made to arrange the dates on which the various shows are held,
so that purchasing officers will be able to go from one to another without
having to travel over the same ground twice.

226. The number of remounts purchased at the shows was as follows :—

Army Remount Department ... ... ...


Native Cavalry ... ... ... ...


Police ... ... ... ... ...


The number of remounts purchased during the past three years shows a
satisfactory increase:—

1892-93 ... ... ... ... ...


1893-94 ... ... ... ... ...


1894-95 ... ... ... ... ...


The following abstract will show the provinces from which the remounts
were obtained :—

North-Western Provinces ... ... ... ...


Punjab ... ... ... ... ...


Rajputana ... ... ... ... ...


Bengal ... ... ... ... ...


Baluchistan ... ... ... ... ...


Bombay Presidency ... ... ... ...


The North-Western Provinces furnished 103 less than last year, whilst the
Punjab gave 335 more. This must go far to prove that in the latter province
we have the means of greatly extending our operations.

One remarkable feature is noticed when considering the number of re-
mounts obtained at the various shows in Bombay. It is that although the
Presidency furnished 266 remounts, not one for Native Cavalry was obtained
from the shows held in the Deccan or Cutch. No show was held at Guzerat,
and only 20 head of young stock were bought at shows in the two first named
Divisions; the whole of the balance were obtained in Sindh, and yet this is the
part of the Bombay Presidency which occupies the smallest portion of the time
of the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department.