The Nimar breed was the only one represented in sufficient numbers, they
are of medium size, active in appearance, good conformation, thick tail usually
set too high, hump well developed, neck proportionate, loins level, but scarcely
wide enough, head well put on, ears depressed, eyes bright and intelligent,
limbs strong and well apart, hoofs black and strong.


    758. Sonepur Cattle. Fair.—This fair commenced on the 18th and termi-
nated on the 26th November 1896. About 35,000 bullocks, 500 cows and a few
buffaloes attended the fair. No infectious disease could be traced amongst the
animals. Quite 95 per cent. of the animals were in good condition. The
lighter kinds of draught cattle were dearer than anticipated, and a good many
returned home unsold. The arrangement of the fair was quite satisfactory.
The money offered for prizes amounted to R250, of which R125 came from
the Provincial Funds, and R125 from the District Board of Saran, but
only R123 were spent in prizes.

    Kalimpong Cattle Fair.—This fair took place on the 2nd and 3rd December
1896. The Siri cows and bullocks, the Paharee or Nepalee cattle and the cross-
breed of Paharees with Siri attended the fair. The cattle were better in quality
than last year.

    The Siri cows and bullocks.—They were of fair quality, a strong wiry
breed with large humps; they work well in draught in the hills. The cows
are sought after for their milk, which may yield as much as ten seers a day on
good food. The Paharee or Nepalee cattle showed considerable improvement
on last year's lot. There were more animals present and of better quality. The
bulls and bullocks were very good, the heifers very fair. There were about 50
animals present. This breed is smaller than the Siri. They stand about 10
hands and 2 to 3 inches behind the hump.

    The cross-breed of Paharees with Siri is called " Siri-Kutcha." They are
an improvement upon the Paharees both as regards draught and milking
capabilities. No contagious cattle disease or equine disease was detected in the

    Suri Cattle Show, district Birbhum.—With a view to improve the breed of
cattle of this district, which has for various reasons deteriorated, a committee
of officials and native gentlemen have proposed to hold an annual show of
cattte, and award prizes for the exibits obtained in the district of Birbhum.

    The Show was attended by the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment, Bengal, from the 18th to 21st January 1897. The arrangement of the
fair was quite satisfactory, and no infectious disease appeared.

    On the first day many cattle did not appear, but the number went on in-
creasing as confidence was gained.

    The local cattle were a degenerate breed, and most of the prize-winners
were imported animals. The first cause of degeneration is want of grazing,
next starvation of the cows, and then turning loose badly reared bulls.

    Sheep —Native enterprise shows itself in this class of industry. The
blanket-workers having found that the wool of a cross between Patna rams and
the sheep of the country superior to that of the ordinary country sheep, have
distributed a number of Patna rams in the villages to improve the breed, with
the result that breeders realized R4 to R5 a head for the cross-breeds,
against R1-4-0 to R1-8-0 for ordinary country sheep. This has been done
solely upon their own initiative.

    Rupees 300 were spent in giving 36 prizes to the best cattle, etc., brought
to the show.

    Barhampur Cattle Fair.—This fair commenced on the 1st and terminated
on the 3rd March 1897. Eighteen thousand six hundred sixty-two cattle
attended the fair. They were not quite as good nor in such a good condition
as those of the Sonepur Fair. Number of cattle had been purchased by
butchers, and they appeared to be starved. The arrangement of the Fair was
not quite satisfactory. The supply of water was sufficient, and no contagious
disease was discovered. Rupees 97 were spent in giving prizes to the cattle
and R38 to sheep and goats.
