South Arcot and North Arcot districts, also from the Pondicherry State, and
Taluks of Tanjore district. About 80 per cent. of the cattle offered for sale
were disposed of. Cattle were sold very briskly, and the prices were about 15
per cent. higher than usual. The sanitary arrangements were satisfactory,
and supply of water good and sufficient. There were seven cases of foot and
mouth disease; these were all treated and discharged as cured.


    760.  Ahmednagar Cattle Show—Commenced on 12th November 1896,
and held in conjunction with the Horse Show. The total number of animals
exhibited amounted to 173 against 218 last year. The classes throughout the
Show were only fair, and it is evident that in spite of increasing the prizes,
little or no interest is taken in this part of the show, and only animals within
a radius of a few miles of Ahmednagar are exhibited. It has been determined
to do away the cattle show in future.

    Moro Cattle Show—Commenced on the 1st February 1897, and held in
conjunction with the Horse Show. The total number of animals exhibited
amounted to 166 against 147 last year. The bullocks and oxen were fair,
milch cattle and buffaloes good. The Committee are of opinion that the
majority of the cattle exhibited are inferior to those usually met with in the
district, and that they are exhibited in a purely haphazard fashion and simply
because they happen to be on the spot. Considering these circumstances they
are of opinion that the cattle show should in future be abandoned.

    Bhuj Cattle Show—Commenced on the 15th February 1897, and held in
conjunction with the Horse Show. The total number of animals exhibited
amounted to 319 against 185 last year. The animals throughout were very
moderate and shown in poor condition. As the show is not a Government one,
it is difficult to re-arrange this part of the prospectus.


    761.  Three shows were held during the year, namely, at Moulmein for the
Amherst District, Letpadan for the Tharrawaddy and Prome Districts, and
Henzada for the Henzada District.

    Amherst.—This was the twelfth annual show of the Tenasserim Agri-
horticulture Society, and was held in Salween Park on the 17th January 1897.
As in previous years, the agricultural show was held in a separate shed, to
which the public were admitted free, while for the horticultural show a fee of
8 annas was charged to non-subscribers. The cattle exhibited, though few in
number, were of good quality. It is a great pity that more cultivators cannot
be induced to bring their cattle for exhibition. Mr. Peche, the Honorary
Secretary, takes a great interest in these shows, and spares neither time nor
trouble in making them a success. The arrangements made and the amuse-
ments provided for all classes of visitors are most excellent. I am of opinion
that if the higher prizes were oflered, a large number of cattle would be entered
for the show. On the whole the show was much more successful than those
previously held in Moulmein, not only in the quality of the exhibits in all
departments, but also in the attendance. It was estimated that between three
and four thousand people were present. The exhibits were mostly from the
Zaya and Bilugyn townships.

    At the close of the show the Commissioner of the Division addressed the
cultivators and distributed the prizes and certificates.

    Henzada.—This was the second annual agricultural show held at this
station and was a great improvement on that of the previous year. Some five
thousand people assembled to witness it. Most of the cattle exhibited were
from the Henzada township. The Deputy Commissioner considers that the
number and value of the prizes awarded do not offer sufficient inducement to
the people of the more distant townships to bring in exhibits. I agree with

    The Deputy Commissioner, Tharrawaddy, suggests that exhibitors from
the Monyo and Sanywe townships be allowed to exhibit at the show held in

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