214.     Taken together, we find that 3,254 colts were castrated against 3,409
last year; the reduction being only 155, must be considered as most satisfactory,
considering that so many colts were in bad condition that owners deferred the

    215.     That the Veterinary Assistants are skilful operators cannot be denied.
It is pleasing to find that not a single death took place amongst the 3,254 colts
operated on by the Imperial or District Board Veterinary Assistants.

    216.     In the two districts of the Madras Presidency in which pony-breeding
is carried on, castration has, I am glad to say, made some headway this year. On
this point the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, states:—

    The establishment consisted of two Salutris and two pupil Salutris in Salem, and one Salutri in.
Coimbatore. Two hundred and fifty-eight ponies were castrated in Salem district this year against 171 last
year. In Coimbatore, 52 ponies were castrated against 17 of the previous year.

    217.     This is satisfactory, still one point must strike one as requiring
explanation, it is, that whilst 4 men are employed to castrate in a district where
only 4 stallions stand, only one man is employed in Coimbatore which gives
work for 11 stallions. Castration requires pushing in the last named district, if
we wish to make pony-breeding a success.