intended to purchase at the Fair, I feel certain that he would issue notices to the
effect and that remounts would be obtained. To be of any value this communication
should be made at least 2 months before the date of the Fair.

Horse Show.

    256.     This Show was a very great success. It was held from 21st to 26th
March 1898, and it may be said to be rapidly becoming one of the largest horse
markets of the North-Western Provinces.

    257.     The attendance on this occasion was 1,612 against 1,577 last year,
but this increase is all the more satisfactory when we consider that it consisted
entirely of horses over 14 hands in height, of which there were 525 more than in
1896-97. This proves what I have long felt, that an improvement is taking place
yearly in the stock brought to our Fairs and Shows; even in cases where the
attendance is much less than in former years, one of the greatest causes of the
decrease is due to the fact that zemindars and dealers only bring in such animals
which they consider good enough either for sale or to compete for prizes.

    258.     The brood mare class was excellent, 135 competed against 129 last
year. These consisted of big roomy mares of excellent stamp.

    259.     Two hundred and seventy-four head of young stock competed against
251 last year being an increase of 23. This is all the more satisfactory as it was of
excellent quality.

    260.     Seventy-nine remounts were purchased against 110 last year. This was
mainly due to the fact that fewer regiments were represented. The Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department, complains of the small number of Officers who
attended the N.-W. P. Shows this year. This question will be dealt with separately.

    261.     The following extracts from Remount Rolls will show that the class of
remount obtainable at this Show was decidedly good.

    Captain Hobbs, 14th Bengal Lancers, states:—

    A very good lot of remounts. I think a better lot than at Batesar.

    Captain Cookson. Inspecting Officer, Rajputana and N.-W. P. Imperial Service
Lancers, states:—

    An excellent lot of remounts, quite an improvement on the class exhibited last year, in fact the best batch
of remounts I have seen at this Show since 1893.

    The Resaldar, of the 17th Bengal Cavalry, states that the remounts obtained
were better than at other Fairs.

    Colonel Garbett, Commanding 2nd Bengal Lancers, states:—

    These remounts are all good and of a better class generally than have been obtained in former years.

    262.     The above remarks are the more satisfactory when the prices are
considered. The averages were as follows:—

14th Bengal Lancers




Rs. 245

17th Bengal Cavalry




„ 246

2nd Bengal Lancers




„ 256

Imperial Service Lancers




„ 252

    263.     Captain Gough purchased 5 head of stock for the Army Remount
Deparment and states as follows:—

    These compare most favorably and promise to be a very serviceable lot.

He further adds:—

    An excellent Fair all round and the best as compared with the other North-Western Province Fairs of
this year for the purchase of young stock and remounts.

    264.     This is most satisfactory, and the thanks of this Department are due to
Mr. Leslie Porter for the very great interest which he showed in the welfare
of the Show.

Horse Show.

    265.     This Show was held from 9th to 15th March 1898 and like Aligarh
was not held in 1896-97, it, however, did not suffer in the same way from
inclement weather and therefore greater success was obtained.

    266.     The number of zemindari stock that attended was 350 against 328 in
1896-97, being an increase of 22. The number of dealers' stock present was 406
against 473 in the preceding year, being a decrease of 67.

    267.     As this Show is purely one at which endeavours are made to foster
horse-breeding and to encourage the breeders, the above statistics must be consi-
dered satisfactory.