A small Show was held at Kotah, a description of which will be found in the Sec-
tion "Horse-breeding in Native States," Kotah.


Horse Fair.

429.     This Fair was held from 6th to 10th November 1897. The enumeration
of animals attending this Fair is always faulty. On this occasion the number of
horses attending is shown as from 2,000 to 3,000, so that we may surmise that the
numbers were very similar to last year.

430.     The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bengal, who
attended the Fair describes the horses of better quality than usual.

431.     Purchasing Officers were present from 2nd Bengal Lancers and Central
India Horse Regiment, 12 were bought by the former regiment at an average cost
of Rs. 289, and six were purchased by the Central India Horse, the average cost
being Rs. 293-8-0.

432.     Major Pollock, 7th Bengal Cavalry, purchased ponies for the Commis-
sariat Department. On this point the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment states:—

No Remount Roll was submitted by this officer. I only saw about 15 of his purchases as the others were sent
away before I inspected them, but I offered my services to the purchasing Officer. It would be well if the purchasing
Officers put themselves in touch with the Civil Veterinary Department on these occasions.

433.     It is to be regretted that this Officer did not comply with the orders on
this subject. I presume that these ponies were purchased for service on the Frontier,
if so, too great care could not possibly have been token to ensure their being
carefully examined.


Mule Fair.

434. At this Fair a certain number of Bhutia ponies are brought in.
Veterinary-Captain Raymond, who attended this Fair, gives the height and other
measurements of 3 of the prize winners. They are as follows:—





1. ... ...

5 years

14 hands



2. ... ...

5 „

13-1 „


3. ... ...

6 „

13-3½ „



The girth and shank when compared with the height is extraordinarily
good, and proves that if they could be obtained in any numbers they would prove
an addition to our Transport in hilly countries.

435.     The mules are stated to have been about the same in numbers as last
year, but on this point the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, states:—

As indicated in previous reports, the number present at the Show is not the measure of the mules procurable.
They were distinctly better in quality than last year. A number of 1st class mules were shown.

436.     This Officer gives the measurements of some of the mules that were
awarded prizes. They are as follows:—





1. ... ...

5 years




2. ... ...




3. ... ...

5 years




4. ... ...

7 „




437.     Lieutenant Berthon, Royal Minister Fusiliers, was purchasing mules
for the Transport Department. No information as to the number purchased by
this Officer is available; it was applied for and it is to be regretted that it was not

438.     With reference to the Thibetan mules and the likelihood of breeding
this class of mule in the Darjeeling district and Sikkim, Veterinary-Captain
Raymond states:—

The chief object of interest at Kalimpong is the mule Fair, because it is the only one we have in Bengal. These
mules come from Thibet, and it would appear that the quality of those sent is likely to improve. I fear that mule-
breeding in Darjeeling district is not likely to be undertaken for some time to come with any profit. The donkeys
are too small and so are the tatoos to breed any thing useful. I do not think a donkey stallion would be profitably
employed at Kalimpong. With regard to mule-breeding in Sikkim. I have to report that I have not had time to
go there to inspect, and inquiries of the Political Officer as to the success of the new donkey stallion have remained

                                   BOMBAY PRESIDENCY.

439.     Only one Show is held in the Presidency, viz: at Ahmednagar, but
this had to be abandoned owing to the prevalence of Bubonic Plague.