were recorded, and at the close of the year six; seven hundred and forty-three
animals died from cattle plague in this township. Less severe outbreaks
were reported from the following townships, namely, Bassein, Kyonpyaw, and
Ngaputaw; the total mortality amounting to 902.

887.    Anthrax and Charbon Symptomatique.—These diseases prevailed in
several townships throughout the year, notably in the Yegyi, Kangyidaung,
Kyaunggon, Ngaputaw and Kyonpyaw townships. It also prevailed but to a less
extent in Bassein and Thabaunh. The Yegyi township suffered heavy losses. The
diseases caused much trouble throughout the year, the average death rate per
mensem being 48. The highest mortality reported was for the month of May when
102 deaths were registered. In Kangyidaung these diseases did not inflict
severe loss till June, from this on till January the monthly mortality averaged 50.
The total mortality under this heading amounted to 448. In Kyaunggon the
disease broke out in April and prevailed with great severity till July, after which
month it soon died out. The highest mortality, namely, 134 was for the month
of June.

888.    Ngaputaw.—These diseases prevailed with great severity during one
month, namely, in June, when 183 animals succumbed to them. The mortality
for other months was not high.

889.    In Kyonpyaw.—The disease prevailed throughout the year, the average
monthly mortality being under 20. In the Bassein township 149 deaths were
reported during the year and in Thabaunh 58.

890.    Foot and Mouth disease.—This disease accounted for the deaths of some
900 animals: during the year the disease was reported from six townships, namely,
Thabaunh Ngaputaw, Bassein, Kyonpyaw, Kyaunggon and Kangyidaung. It was,
however, more severe in the first three. Three hundred and eight deaths are
reported from the Thabaunh township, during the first quarter only a few sporadic
cases were reported, but in July the disease spread from place to place and 99
deaths were reported. Though every month showed a marked decrease in the
mortality, yet it was not till January that the disease entirely died out.
In the Bassein township the disease prevailed with varying intensity
throughout the year. Some months the mortality would run up to 40 or more and
the following month drop to 16. The month in which it was most severe was
November when 75 deaths were recorded. In the Ngaputaw township the disease
gave no trouble, excepting during three months, namely, in June, September and
October, the mortality for these three months amounted to 84. The outbreaks re-
ported from the Kangyidaung and Kyaunggon townships gave no trouble and
caused but trifling losses.


891.    The mortality from contagious diseases is in excess of that of the
previous two years, owing the greater prevalence of Rinderpest and Anthrax.

892.    Rinderpest.—In the Pantanaw township the disease broke out in April
when 21 deaths occurred. In May the mortality was about the same, but in June
the disease spread and caused the deaths of 135 animals. July showed a change for
the better, but matters became decidedly worse in August when 147 deaths were
registered. After this the death rate steadily decreased, but mortality for the
following three months amounting to 113. This township suffered the heaviest
loss, 611 deaths being reported during the year. The disease broke out in the
Thigwig township in April, and continued with varying degrees of intensity till
December, after which it subsided. The heaviest mortality recorded was July
135 deaths, September 76, and December 78. In the Myaungy Mya township the
disease did not break out till June but continued till December. The heaviest
losses occurred in September and October, 34 in the former and 63 in the latter

893.    Anthrax and Charbon Symptomatique.—The Thigwig township heads
the list of casualties from these diseases, the number of deaths recorded being 356.
The disease broke out in May and continued through June and July, during the
latter month 134 deaths were recorded. After this the diseases died out entirely.
In September a fresh outbreak was reported, and small losses were reported every
month till January when the disease died out. During the first quarter these