diseases prevailed in the Pantanaw township, and 206 animals are reported to have
succumbed to them. In the quarter following only 59 deaths were reported after
which period the disease ceased to give trouble.

894.    Foot and Mouth disease.—Most of the deaths from this malady were
reported from the Myaungmya township, where the disease broke out in April.
Between May and July 96 deaths were registered. In August the mortality de-
creased but in September there was a slight rise, after which it steadily decreased
till December, when the disease died out. During the months of May and July
the disease was severe in the Thigwin township, 15 deaths being reported in the
former and 58 in the latter month.


895.    The mortality reported from this district is lower than that of the pre-
vious two years.

896.    Rinderpest.—The Tontarok and Tanlebin circles of the Zalun township,
were visited by this disease. During July and August 96 deaths were recorded
in these circles. In April an outbreak was reported from the Thaungtan circle of
the Lemythna township when 45 animals died, in May 27 deaths were registered,
but in June only one. A mild outbreak was reported in June from the Obo circle
of the Kanaung township which continued through July. During these months 41
animals are reported to have died.

897.    Anthrax and Charbon Symptomatique.—These diseases prevailed to some
extent in all the circles of the Kanaug township during the months of April, May,
and June. In this period 158 animals are reported to have died. The heaviest
mortality occurred in June when 88 deaths were registered. In July the disease
disappeared from all but two circles, namely, the Obo and Ywadaung. In the
former the disease ceased in August, and in the latter only four deaths reported in
that month. The total loss of animals in the district amounted to 387, the Kanaug
township recorded 217.

898.    Foot and Mouth disease.—During the year outbreaks were reported
from four townships, namely, Okpo, Kanaug, Lemyethna and Zalun. In Okpo the
disease prevailed throughout the year, the average mortality per mensem being 24.
In the Kanaug township the disease prevailed from April to July after which it
died out, 100 deaths were reported during this period. The outbreaks reported
from Lemyethna and Zalun were much less severe and caused little loss.


899.    Rinderpest.—The mortality from this disease is much lower than that of
the previous year. During April outbreaks were reported from many parts of the
district, 222 deaths were recorded during the month. The following circles suffer-
ing the heaviest losses, namely, Mogaung 59, Taukma 30, Tambya 24, Taungzauk
22, Thambula 24 and Myohla 20. In May the disease disappeared from the first
named circle and abated in the others excepting Taungzauk, where there was a
slight increase in the mortality. The disease also spread to the Kadupgin circle
and carried off 19 head of cattle during the month and 24 in June. July showed a
marked improvement, after which the mortality continued to increase steadily.
In September a fresh but mild outbreak was reported from the Taungzauk circle.
During this month a slight outbreak was also reported from the Banpyin circle,
after causing the death of some 27 head of cattle it died out. The total loss of the
district amounted to 820. The Kama township lost 379 animals and Myede 290.

900.    Anthrax and Charbon Symptomatique.—During the month of July an
outbreak was reported from the Kyauksaung circle of the Kama township, 21 ani-
mals died. A few deaths occurred during August. Several other small outbreaks
were also reported.

901.    Foot and Mouth disease.—Throughout the year cases of this disease
occurred from time to time in different parts of the district. The Mindonand,
Myede townships
suffered the heaviest losses, namely 77 deaths in the former and
89 in the latter township.