The number of boys now on the register is six. These Shans have been a sore trial. Beyond the fact that they
are well behaved in class, I can say little that is good in their favor. They are not only dull and apathetic, but
absent themselves whenever they feel weary of things in general. Fining them has little effect as they then do not
pay for their board and lodging. Three boys, namely, Maung Po Lon, Maung Po Nya, and Maung Seik Ta, are now
doing well and I hope they will turn out fair assistants. Maung Po Han, Maung Tok Pyu, and Maung No are not
nearly so well up. They have been warned that, if by the 1st of June their progress is not what it should be, they
will be sent back.

1120. Considering the raw material with which Veterinary-Captain Evans
has to work, I think the results exceptionally good. It is only due to his untiring
energy that he is able to keep the Veterinary Assistants up to the standard they
have obtained. Veterinary-Captain Evans brings to notice the good work done
by Mr. Batlivala.

Instruction in

1121. There is no Veterinary School in the North-Western Provinces but a
most useful system has been adopted by which students, prior to proceeding to
the Lahore School, are awarded a scholarship of Rs. 5 per mensem for one year,
and are sent to the DepĂ´t at Babugarh for practical training in hospital work;
this will thoroughly accustom them to animals and will tend to enable them to
derive more benefit from the training which they receive at Lahore.