
1158. The Veterinary dispensaries continue to do excellent work. In the
nine dispensaries of the Punjab 15,966 patients received relief against 13,975 the
previous year. The North-Western Provinces are very backward, only one
dispensary exists and only 20 cases were treated during the whole year. Good
work has been done by the dispensaries in the Central Provinces. One additional
institution has been opened. The number of cases treated in the Bombay
dispensaries still shows a steady increase, viz; 19,975 against 19,613 last year.
The number of dispensaries has increased to 17 in this Presidency. Bengal has
also started dispensaries but it is too early yet to judge of their work.

Cases treated
by Veterinary.

1159. Considering that these men receive such little supervision it is
very creditable to have to report that the number of animals treated by them
during the year has considerably increased. Cattle still form the largest class
of patients. The Superintendents employed in the Punjab and North-Western
Provinces have done a great deal in regard to collection of information about
cattle. Considerable attention has been devoted to cattle disease by Bengal and
Burma. The latter shows more than double the number of cases treated than
there were last year.

The following statement will show the improvement which has taken place
during the past three years:—

Cases treated







collected and

1160. Great progress continues to be made in this direction. Much useful
information has been gathered during the year under review, and it is hoped that
still further progress will be made when the subordinate Veterinary Establishment
is organized.


1161.     I have once more to record my best thanks to the Officers of this
Department for the zeal which they have shown during the past year. Had it not
been that they have most ably seconded my efforts, it would have been necessary to
appeal to Government for an increase of funds to meet the expenditure due to the
high prices of grain which prevailed during the year; this was obviated by the
scrupulous care shown by all Officers and my best thanks are due to one and all.

1162.    Where all have worked so well, it seems inviduous to specially mention
any Officer in particular, but as bearing on the important question of cattle-breeding
and cattle disease, I would beg to bring to the notice of the Government of India
Veterinary-Captain Gunn, Assistant to the Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary
Department, for the able manner in which he is conducting the Bacteriological Sur-
vey of the Punjab, and for general assistance afforded to me on all questions con-
nected with cattle.

1163.     Veterinary-Captain Raymond has done yeoman service with cattle in
Bengal. I have endeavoured to bring to notice in this report the good work done
by this Officer, not only in connection with cattle, but also in connection with the
Bengal Veterinary Institution and the suppression of Glanders in Behar, but so
much work has been done by him that I feel I have scarcely done him justice.

1164.     Veterinary-Captain Evans has continued to do the good work for
which he has on previous occasions been brought to the notice of Government.
I have had an opportunity of inspecting his work this year for the first time, and
I was much struck with the good organization of this Department in Burma, which
may be said to be entirely due to his zeal and energy.

1165.     I regret to have to report the reversion to Military duty of Veterinary-
Lieutenant Turnbull, and in doing so would record my best thanks to him for the
able manner in which he has conducted all matters connected with horse-breeding
in the North Punjab Circle during the past four years. In his departure,
this Department has sustained a loss, as his great knowledge of all questions
connected with horses, and his genial manner with District Officials ensured that
success which has been more than maintained during his tenure of office.