(it)—Report on Dourine.

(iii)—Report on the preparation of Rinderpest Protective Serum.

The work of the year can be conveniently divided into two parts—that
done at Muktesar and Bareilly.

At Muktesar

63.  Anti-rinderpest Serum.—520,925 c. c. were prepared and 571,740 c. c.
or 114,798 doses were issued during the year under report against 87,791
doses last year. This serum was utilised by the various Superintendents in
Bengal, the Punjab, United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, Central Provinces,
Madras, North-West Frontier Province, Assam, Burma, the Sikkim-Tibet
Force, the State Surgeons of Perak and Selaugor, and the Sanitary Depart-
ment of the Egyptian Government.

64.  Dry Serum (Anti-rinderpest). This serum was for the first time pre-
pared at Muktesar in dry form. It possesses many advantages over the liquid
and is being thoroughly tested in the field.

65.  Anthrax Serum.—40,018 c. c. were prepared. This is equivalent to
8,003 doses against 3,094 last year. This serum was used in Madras, United
Provinces of Agra and Oudh, and the North-West Frontier Province.

66.  Mallein.—247 doses of English and 28 doses of French were issued.
850 doses of Mallein were prepared at the Laboratory and in future all Mallein
required for India and the East will be made at Muktesar.

67.  Training of Veterinary Assistants in inoculation and Bile Thera-
peutics was continued during the year, 28 being trained at Muktesar and 24
at Bareilly.

68.  Buildings.—The engines and centrifugal machines arrived last year
and have been stored at Roorki pending completion of the buildings for their
accommodation. It is much to be regretted that so much delay has occurred in
erecting these buildings, as the machinery now in use is totally inadequate
to prepare the enormous quantity of serum required in India and other coun-
tries which indent on us.

49. Forest and Fodder Supply.—These two branches of the Laboratory have
been worked satisfactorily during the year, and arrangements made to greatly
increase the fodder supply.

70.  Meteorological Observations.—The new Observatory shed was completed
by the end of December 1903. A thermograph was added and all observations
carefully recorded.

At Bareilly

71.  The Imperial Bacteriologist and certain members of his staff moved
down in November 1903 and the following experiments were carried out, full
details of which have been submitted to Government:—

(i)—Experiments with Hamirpur and Bijnor District bulls, with a view
to test their susceptibility to rinderpest.

(ii) — Experiments with a view to find out periods during which hill
bulls are found to be protected against rinderpest when injected
with varying doses of anti-rinderpest serum and subsequently tes-
ted with virulent rinderpest material.

(iii)—Observations of Dourine cases.

(iv)—Observations of Camel Surra.

(v)—Training of Veterinary Assistants.

72.  Considerable progress was made with regard to the Laboratory build-
ings, roads, fencing, etc., and every endeavour made to get the Institution into
thorough working order.

73.  Table XX shows the main results of the working of the Laboratory,
the quantity of serum prepared and issued, practical instruction in inoculation,