76. Table XII gives the average cost of feed, keep and attendance of horse,
pony and donkey stallions.

Fairs and

77.  Table XIII gives the abstract particulars regarding Horse Fairs and
Shows held in non-selected districts. Seventeen were held against 14 last year
and nearly double the number of animals were present, viz., 35,242 against
18,685 last year. The number competing for prizes rose from 2,082 last year
to 8,707 this, and Rs. 6,893 as well as 5 medals were awarded as prizes. A
revised schedule and rules were drawn up by Captain Walker and sanctioned
for Horse Shows in non-selected districts in the Punjab.

78.  Table XIV gives the abstract particulars regarding Cattle Fairs and
Shows. Altogether 73 were held during the year against 64 last year. The
amount actually awarded in prizes was Rs. 25,887 and 61 medals out of a
total of Rs. 37,701 available. The total number of stock present at the Fairs
was 836,067 and the number competing for prizes was 11,077 cattle and 35
camels. The amount realized in fees was Rs. 136,989-11-6. It has been
decided to discontinue the Imperial grant of Rs. 9,000 to Cattle Shows.

                              IV. SUBORDINATE ESTABLISHMENT.

and work

79. Table VII gives the strength of the subordinate establishment. There
are at present 54 Veterinary Inspectors and 446 Veterinary Assistants employed
in the whole of India, against 30 Inspectors and 417 Veterinary Assistants last
year. This is a satisfactory increase considering the limited number of men
available. In the Punjab good progress has been made, 6 Inspectors and 9
Veterinary Assistants having been added during the year. I am glad to say
that the pay of these men has been increased in this Province and it has been
decided to add 8 men a year to the cadre in future to provide a 2½ per cent.
reserve for leave vacancies and training. The increase of the establishment
of Veterinary Inspectors has allowed of their charges being made much smaller;
their divisions now consist of 3 or 4 districts each. This has contributed to
the efficiency of the Department considerably. The scheme is to post a Veteri-
nary Assistant to each tahsil and an extra man to each district. The same
plan is being adopted in the North-West Frontier Province.

80. The progress made in the United Provinces is also satisfactory, 4
Veterinary Inspectors and 15 Veterinary Assistants having been added to the
staff. The pay has been slightly raised and should attract more men to join
in the future. Great difficulty has been experienced in obtaining Veterinary
Assistants during the year. In order to temporarily meet the difficulty, a
scheme has been sanctioned for the deputation of a certain number of students
annually to the Punjab and Bengal Veterinary Colleges as scholarship holders.
Improvement has been made in other Provinces but it is slow. The work done
by the subordinate Department generally is reported to be very good.

                            PART B.-IMPERIAL ADMINISTRATION.

                               BACTERIOLOGICAL LABORATORY.

81.  Dr. Lingard has been in charge of the laboratory during the whole
year and the staff has remained the same, with the exception that Mr. H.
E. Cross has been appointed as Second Assistant Bacteriologist and joined
late in the year. Mr. Goffi was appointed as third Laboratory Assistant
and joined on the 15th October 1906. The. services of a Hospital Assistant
have also been secured.

82.  Work has, as usual, been carried out at Muktesar and Bareilly. Nume-
rous important buildings have been completed, such as the Mallein and Tetanus
laboratories and stables for Tetanus and Glandered horses. The machinery and
engines are now all accommodated in one building, so that two engines and
centrifuges are available and the risk of breakdown is greatly diminished; other
necessary machinery is also being connected up.

83.  The various matters connected with the working of the laboratory
have been successfully administered during the year. Fodder, owing to the