and one in Madras. In regard to the former it is stated that they were
reported from the Thanas and were not seen by any one having any acquain-
tance with veterinary matters. The same is true of the case reported from
Madras. It is practically certain that no cases of Dourine actually occurred in
either district and I think we may safely say that Dourine has ceased to exist
in the country and that we may congratulate ourselves on the efficient measures
which were adopted to stamp out the disease.

72. The Dourine Bill is still under consideration and will be proceeded with
so as to ensure proper powers of dealing with the disease should it reappear in
the country.

73. Epizootic lymphangitis.—Six cases of Epizootic lymphangitis occurred
in the whole of India and Burma in the Civil districts, and of these two were
detected and destroyed in Bombay, two in Calcutta and two in Burma. The
disease has been fairly common in military animals but does not appear to exist
to any extent in the districts.

74. South African Horse sickness.—Several severe outbreaks of this
disease have occurred in Aden and it has been deemed advisable to schedule it
under the Glanders and Farcy Act so as to allow of any animal landing in the
country from Aden or Arabia affected with this disease, being at once des-
troyed and disposed of to prevent the introduction of the disease into the
country which would be little short of a calamity.

75. Other contagious diseases.—Two hundred and ninety-five deaths from
other diseases are reported. Equine piroplasmosis is found to be a widespread
and important disease in the horse in this country, but the information so far
collected goes to show that it is not very important in indigenous horses
although it is serious and often fatal in imported animals.

disease in Bovi-
nes. Outbreaks,
preventive in-
oculation, mor-
tality, etc.

76. Table II shows the number of deaths from contagious diseases among
cattle which have been reported during the year. The same remarks as were
made in previous years regarding accuracy, still hold good.

77. No figures are available for Baluchistan and the Central Provinces.

78. The total number of deaths reported is 401,139 head, of which 238,374
were from Rinderpest, 26,472 from Foot and Mouth disease, 34,124 from
Hæmorrhagic Septicæmia, 10,299 from Black Quarter, 17,790 from Anthrax,
and 74,080 from other contagious diseases.

79. Table III shows the number of outbreaks which have been dealt with
by means of protective inoculation.

80. Rinderpest.—Is reported to have accounted for 238,374 deaths against
181,940 last year. The reporting therefore seems to be improving somewhat
every year and doubtless, as knowledge extends, this will continue to be the

81. The number of outbreaks of Rinderpest which have been dealt with by
means of protective inoculation by the Serum alone method, is 2,582 against
1,824 last year, and 291,960 animals were inoculated against 296,173 last year.
The results are reported to have been excellent where the inoculations could be
properly carried out.

82. Burma.—The year has been a favourable one as regards Rinderpest in
Burma, and the mortality is less than last year, i.e., 13,729 against 16,290 in
the previous year.

83. In Lower Burma there was a severe outbreak in the Kyauktaw town-
ship, lasting from May to August; and moderately severe outbreaks at different
times in the Myohaung township. Isolated outbreaks occurred in the
Ponnagyun township but the disease was localised and the mortality small.
The insignificance of the loss, 2,067 animals in the Arakan Division is
accounted for by the precautions taken by the District Authorities and the
assistance given by a batch of additional Veterinary Inspectors and Assistants
which enabled them to stamp out the disease at an early stage.