Diagrams illustrating certain aspects of Veterinary progress.

                                                      TABLE I.

Showing the main results of Veterinary colleges and schools during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE II.

Showing the number of deaths from contagious diseases amongst animals during the year

                                                      TABLE III.

Showing the results of preventive inoculation during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE IV.

Showing the number of animals treated and castrated by Veterinary Assistants on tour
during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE V.

Showing the number of animals treated and castrated at Veterinary hospitals and dispen-
saries during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE VI.

Showing the total strength of the subordinate Veterinary staff employed during the year

                                                      TABLE VII.

Return of stud bulls for the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE VIII.

Showing the main results of the working of provincial cattle farms during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE IX.

Return of horse, pony, and donkey stallions under Local Bodies for the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE X.

Showing services of horse, pony, and donkey stallions under Local Bodies during the year

                                                      TABLE XI.

Showing the average cost of feed, keep, attendance, etc., of horse, pony, and donkey stallions
during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE XII.

Abstract of particulars regarding horse fairs and shows held in non-selected districts during
the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE XIII.

Abstract of particulars regarding cattle fairs and shows held during the year 1917-18.

                                                      TABLE XIV.

Showing the main results of the working of the Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory during
the year 1917-18.