quantity and quality of the milk and occurring in the first 3
months of life. The only record that I can find bearing on
the subject is that of the Sergeants who found in Algeria a
6 months old camel whose blood contained trypanosomes
of El Debab, but which showed no clinical signs of the

These facts suggested that the young camel might have
enough resistance against the disease to recover from it, and
if so, of course, this could be turned to great practical
account. Therefore, the following observation was made to
check the camelmen's statements. The result shows that
the camel bacha at 6 months old (and this is about his age
when he passes through his first surra season in the plains)
is quite susceptible to surra and becomes infected by it under
natural circumstances.

On and after the 24th June (4 days before the break of
the rains), a male camel bacha, 5 months old, and suckled
by a dachi with chronic surra, was put to live and graze
in the Mohand Pass with some adult camels, some of
which had surra. Its blood was daily examined. On 10th
August trypanosomes appeared for the first time ; death
occurred after only 11 days of illness, during the whole
of which time trypanosomes were easily found in the

A white rat inoculated with a little of its blood subcu-
taneously on 15th August showed trypanosomes on the 3rd
day and died 8 days afterwards.

A foal 3 months old, placed in contact with surra ponies
at Mohand on the 11th July, contracted the disease,
trypanosomes first appearing on 17th August.

The disease was of the chronic type, and the foal was
destroyed on 23rd September, at which date it was in a
greatly emaciated condition.

Certain other Experiments in connection with surra
failed on account of practical obstacles, which could not be
overcome ; and the experiment recorded could not have been
carried out had it not been for the way in which the native
staff of the office, and especially Veterinary Assistant Ata
Mohamed, willingly performed tasks of all kinds not usually
included in the duties of their respective posts.