From an ordinary culture obtained in the field, rabbits
die in an average of 25 to 30 hours. The local reaction is
extensive. From subcutaneous inoculation on the abdomen
a swelling half an inch thick extends from pubes to throat.

There is high fever. Intoxication symptoms prevail
till death.

Rabbit. Inoculated with H. S. bacilli attenuated by passage through the sheep.

[NLS note: a graphic appears here - see image of page]


Local swelling consists of a serous infiltration. A
diagnostic lesion is hemorrhagic tracheitis generally very

In females the uterus is generally very much inflamed.

The intestines are injected on the serous surface and
the mucous surface is hæmorrhagic.


House pigeon No. I was inoculated subcutaneously with
5 c.c. H. S. emulsion from 24 hours' culture The only symp-
tom shown was a slight, hard swelling, the size of a grain
of wheat, at the seat of inoculation.