SURRA.                                         57

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation 5

Pony B. 3.—400 lbs., 3rd paroxysm. 20th day of disease.

1st day 400 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Six days interval.

2nd „ 50 c.c. atoxyl.

17th day 600 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

3rd „ 1 gm. ars. ac.

18th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

Four days interval.

19th „ 1 gm. ars. ac.

8th day 500 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Eight days interval.

9th „ 50 c.c. atoxyl.

28th day 500 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

10th „ 1 gm. ars. ac.

29th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

30th day 1.5 gms. ars. ac.

Trypanosomes reappeared 22 days after treatment.
Pony B. 4.—350 lbs., 3rd paroxysm. 20th day of disease.

1st day 50 c.c. atoxyl.

5th day 1 gm. ars. ac.

3rd „ 500 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Four days interval.

4th „ 50 c.c. atoxyl.

10th day 600 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

11th day 60 c.c. atoxyl.

This pony showed symptoms of poisoning on the 12th
day and died the same night.

Mule C. 44.—500 lbs., 2nd paroxysm. 18th day of disease.

1st day 3 gms. ars. ac.

Treatment was not continued as the mule showed
symptoms of poisoning and was off feed for several days.

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation 5

Mule B. 5.—450 lbs., 2nd paroxysm. 18th day of disease.

1st day 1 gm. ars. ac.

3rd „ 2 gms. „

6th „ 3 „

This mule showed symptoms of poisoning and died on
the 8th day.

Pony C. 45.—300 lbs., 2nd paroxysm. 18th day of disease.

1st day 1 gm. ars. ac.

10th day 1.25 gms. ars. ac.

3rd „ 1 „ „

12th „ 2 „ „

5th „ 1.5 gms. „

14th „ 1.5 „ „

8th „ 1.5 „ „

16th „ 1.25 „ „