62                               SURRA.

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation
3 months.

Pony C. 56.—660 lbs.

1st day 600 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Four days interval.

2nd „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

15th day 1000 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

3rd „ 1.5 gms. ars. ac.

16th „ 75 c.c. atoxyl.

Four days interval.

17th „ 2.5 gms. ars. ac.

8th day 800 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Eight days interval.

9th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

26th day 1000 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

10th „ 2 gms. ars. ac.

27th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

28th day 2 gms. ars. ac.

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation
3 months.

Pony C. 57.—550 lbs.

1st day 600 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Four days interval.

2nd „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

8th day 800 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

3rd „ 1.5 gms. ars. ac.

9th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

10th day 2 gms. ars. ac.

No further treatment was given as the animal showed
symptoms of poisoning after last dose and remained dull
and off feed for several days.

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation
3 months.

Pony C. 58.—460 lbs.

1st day 600 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

Four days interval.

2nd „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

8th day 800 c.c. ars. ac. sol.

3rd „ 1.5 gms. ars. ac.

9th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

10th day 2 gms. ars. ac.

The pony showed symptoms of poisoning and was dull
and off feed for several days. Treatment was suspended.
Trypanosomes reappeared in the circulation 23 days after
last dose. The animal was then put on treatment with
atoxyl and arsenic in alternate doses.

1st day 60 c.c. atoxyl.

9th day 60 c.c. atoxyl.

3rd „ 1 gm. ars. ac.

11th „ 2 gms. ars. ac.

5th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

13th „ 60 c.c. atoxyl.

7th „ 1.5 gms. ars. ac.

15th „ 2 gms. ars. ac.

No return of trypanosomes. Kept under observation
3 months.