SURRA.                                  67

at the commencement of treatment. If the first dose does
not result in the complete disappearance of trypanosomes
from the blood on the following day, a second injection
of Atoxyl should be given 24 hours after the first dose.
Atoxyl should be kept in the dark. The Atoxyl and
Arsenic should be given after feeding.

II.    The injection of Atoxyl has to be followed by ten
doses of Arsenious Acid in ball. Care must be taken in
making up the balls and in mixing the drug with other

The doses which have been determined for horses
according to their weight are detailed in the three attached

An interval of one day is allowed between each

The amount of Arsenious Acid is gradually increased.
If after any dose the animal is dull or off feed, the next
dose must be suspended till the symptoms have passed off.
If after any doses the animal is off feed and uneasy and
showing symptoms of colic, this shows that the animal
cannot tolerate the amount of Arsenious Acid in that
dose, and treatment must be suspended till the animal has
recovered and the next lower dose used and no further
increase in the following doses to be made. Animals show-
ing symptoms of colic are to be treated with opium,
chlorodyne or other sedative.

Should trypanosomes reappear in the blood during
treatment with Arsenic, Atoxyl should again be used to
clear the circulation of the parasites after which the Arsenic
is to be continued.

III.    Daily examination of the blood should be made
and the result recorded with the daily temperature in the
observation charts. After the completion of the treatment
the animal should be kept under observation, the blood
being examined daily (or at least twice a week) for a period
of two months.