SURRA.                              69

            Heavy Cavalry and Artillery Horses.

   Body weight from 800 to 1000 lbs., and upwards.

1st day

100 c.c. of 4 per cent. Atoxyl subeutaneously.

3rd „ ..

1.0 gramme of Arsenious Acid in ball.

5th „ ..

1.0 „ „ „

7th „ ..

1.5 „ „ „

9th „ ..

1.5 „ „ „

11th „ ..

2.0 „ „ „

13th „ ..

2.0 „ „ „

15th „ ..

2.5 „ „ „

17th „ ..

2.5 „ „ „

19th „ ..

3.0 „ „ „

21st „ ..

3.0 „ „ „

Remarks.—Large mules will stand the treatment ad-
vised for heavy horses, and small mules the treatment for
light horses, with the exception that a smaller dose of
Atoxyl must be given.

For large mules 60 to 75 c.c. of a 4 per cent., and

For small mules 50 to 60 c.c. of a 4 per cent.

No reports have been received by me on the results of
the treatment of Surra in the districts. Captain Dawson in
the Indian Veterinary Journal, Vol. I, No. 3, states that
Mr. Gibson, Director of the Vaccine Institute, Madras, has
tried the treatment with complete success.


I.    The results herein recorded are further evidence
that Arsenic is a specific for Surra in horses; that a perman-
ent cure is effected, and not merely a temporary tolerance
of the disease ; that the treatment is simple, and that by
careful dosage 70% and upwards of Surra cases, even when
contracted spontaneously and in the last stage, can be

II.    Arsenic is best administered in form of Arsenious
Acid, in bolus or in solution. Atoxyl is a convenient form of
giving Arsenic hypodermically.