172                     RINDERPEST.

Bull No. 8.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

3rd—4th day

.. 40.0º C.

6th day

.. 40.2º C.

7th „

.. 40.8º C. Vesicles.

8th „

..— „ Ulcers. Diarrhœa.

Died after being bled 2,200 c.c.

Bull No. 9.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

3rd day

.. 40.2º C.

4th „

.. 40.0º C. Fæces soft.

7th „

.. 40.0º C.

8th „

.. 39.4º C. Vesicles.

24th „

.. Discontinued.

Bull No. 10.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

4th day

.. 40.0º C.

24th „

.. Discontinued.

Bull No. 11.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

5th—6th day

.. 40.2º C.

24th day

.. Discontinued.

Bull No. 12.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

3rd day

.. 40.2º C.

4th „

.. 40.5º C.

5th „

.. 40.4º C.

6th „

.. 40.6º C.

7th „

.. 40.2º C.

8th „

.. 39.3º C. Vesicles. Diarrhœa.

9th „

.. 38.5º C. Vesicles.

14th „

.. Used for serum making IB.

Bull No. 13.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 28.

4th day

.. 40.0º C.

5th—6th day

.. 40.4º C.

7th day

.. 40.2º C. Vesicles.

8th „

.. 40.0º C. „ Fæces soft.

9th „

.. 40.0º C. „ Ulcers „

10th „

.. 39.0º C. Ulcers healing. Diarrhœa.

11th „

.. 39.5º C. Ulcers healed up.

12th „

.. 39.3º C. Fæces soft.

24th „

.. Discontinued.