RINDERPEST.                        197

                     " Charts of Siliguri Bulls."

Bull No. 286.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

4th day

.. 39.4º C.

7th „

.. 39.0º C. Vesicles, diarrhœa.

8th „

.. 38.0º C. Many vesicles, ulcers, diarrhœa.

9th „

.. 38.8º C. Vesicles and ulcers persist, diarrhœa.

10th „

.. 38.5º C „ „ „ „

11th „

.. 37.5º C. Ulcers healing, diarrhœa. Died.

Bull No. 287.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

3rd day

.. 39.8º C.

6th „

.. 36.6º C. Vesicles, weak. Died.

Bull No. 288.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

4th day

.. 40.0º C.

7th „

.. 40.0º C. Diarrhœa.

8th „

.. 36.5º C. Numerous vesicles and ulcers, diarrhœa.


Bull No. 289.—Inoculated with. 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

3rd day

.. 41.0º C.

5th „

.. 40.3º C.

7th „

.. 39.0º C. Diarrhœa.

8th „

— Many vesicles and ulcers, diarrhœa

Bull No. 290.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

6th day

.. 40.4º C. Diarrhœa.

7th „

.. 41 .4º C. Vesicles, diarrhœa.

8th „

.. 40.0º C. Numerous vesicles and ulcers, diarrhœa.

9th „

.. 40.8º C. „ „ „ „

10th „

.. 36.4º C. „ „ „ „


Bull No. 291.—Inoculated with 1 c.c. defibrinated V. B.
from Bull No. 58.

3rd day

.. 40.5º C.

4th „

.. 40.4º C.

5th „

.. 39.9º C.

6th „

.. 38.0º C. Numerous vesicles and ulcers.

7th „

.. — „ „ „ „ diarrhœa.
