age of the deaths attributed to Anthrax should be credited to this dis-

The disease is common in Europe, Africa, America and Asia, in
both hot and cold countries. It has been observed in North America
United States, Central America, South America, Chili, India, South
Africa, Algeria. In Europe it is more particularly prevalent in Swit-
zerland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Holland, and Eng-
land. In France it is more or less general. It is not so common in
Scotland as in England (Williams). It is prevalent at all seasons, but
more particularly at the end of spring, in the summer, and at the begin-
ning of Autumn; June, July, August and September are the worst
months in France, Italy and Switzerland.

Information as to the season at which it is most prevalent in the
various parts of India is required.
It is more frequently seen in bovines
than is anthrax.

It chiefly attacks young cattle, between the ages of six months and
four or five years, and is most fatal in those which have rapidly come into
condition. The greatest mortality occurs in animals aged between one
and three years. Although sheep are not refractory, cases of the sponta-
neous disease are seldom seen amongst them.

Relative frequence of Charbon Symptomatique and Anthrax.—
Hess has classified reports showing the following :—

      First July to 31st December 1882.—Out of 286 cases of death
            from charbonous disease, 274 cases were due to Charbon
            Symptomatique and 15 to Anthrax.

      From the 1st January to 31st December 1883.—Out of 721 deaths
            642 were due to Charbon Symptomatique and 79 to Anthrax.
            Arloing, Cornevin and Thomas state that there can be no
            doubt that Charbon Symptomatique is by far more common
            amongst bovines than is Anthrax.

Symptoms of Charbon Symptomatique.—The disease attacks
more especially animals between the ages of six months and four years,
but not exclusively these. M. Hess gives the following analysis of 989
cases observed by him :—

374 cases in animals aged between 6 and 12 months.

439 „ „ „ „ 1 and 2 years.

83 „ „ „ „ 2 and 3 „

65 „ „ „ „ 3 and 4 „

10 „ „ „ „ 4 and 5 „

18 „ „ „ „ 5 and 6 „

With regard to the invasion of young animals by Charbon Symp-
tomatique, M. Detroye quoted by Trasbot says: " The following observa-