Transfer of the
Laboratory to

11. The Bacteriological Laboratory will, with the concurrence of
the North-Western Provinces Government, now be located at an eleva-
tion of 7,000 feet in the Himálayas near Almora, and experiments will
be shortly begun there in connection with vaccines for rinderpest and
other diseases demanding bacteriological investigation. It is hoped that
the researches of a worker so well qualified as Dr. Lingard in the field
of bacteriology may lead not only to an extension in scientific know-
ledge of animal-diseases, but also to the discovery of practical remedies.
If vaccines can be discovered, the Laboratory will be maintained as a
manufactory of vaccines, for distribution to local Veterinary Depart-

Collection of
information re-
garding cattle-

In the meantime full details are being collected and compiled by
Veterinary Departments in each province regarding the occurrence and
character of cattle-disease in India in accordance with Revenue and
Agricultural Department Resolution No. 26/133, dated the 4th July
1893, and Circular No. 27/133 of the same date.

No. 61 I. G. C. V. D.-17-4-94. -250,