ON THE

                                  METROPOLITAN HORSE FAIRS


                                    DISTRICT HORSE SHOWS



Following the lines of the reports of former years, the fairs and shows held in each
province during 1892-93 have been reviewed in alphabetical order, and appendices are
attached showing—

(a) the number of stock exhibited, competed, and sold; the number of remount
stock purchased ; the number of prizes awarded, &c.;

(b) the names of owners of horse runs to whom prizes were awarded;

(c) the names and classes of sires whose produce won prizes at the several

Aligarh Horse

This show commenced on the 13th-and ended on the 20th of February 1893.

The number of zemindars' horses attending was 439 against 455 last year, of dealers
245 against 463; total 684 against 918 last year. The decrease in number was doubtless
due to the very bad weather which occurred just before the show time.

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department (Veterinary-Major Rayment), in his
report considered the show successful, and the competition in nearly all classes was most
satisfactory. The branded mares and fillies were deemed particularly good. The judging
Committee commenced worked on the 17th and finished on the 19th February.

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, notes : " No purchasing officers
attended for Bengal Cavalry, which I consider a pity. There were several good looking
horses which would have suited that branch of the service. A police officer purchased
for the mounted police 14 remounts, which were unfortunately taken away before the
day on which remounts were judged, and I had no opportunity of seeing them."
He also remarks: "The 13 head of young stock purchased by the agent of the Army
Remount Department were a promising lot. "

A ploughing match was held during the show, at which the mares belonging to the
Government Instruction Farm at Babugarh competed, and were most successful. At this
ploughing match Kuwar Laik Raj Singh of Gubhana competed with a pair of ponies.
Mares belonging to the Instruction Farm were also worked in a pump in the agricultural
portion of the show.

Veterinary-Major Rayment notes also: " By desire of the Director, Land Records
and Agriculture, North-Western Provinces and Oudh, I visited the Cherat Dairy Farm
in the neighbourhood of Aligarh. A separate report on this subject has been already
forwarded for your information in the usual copy of my Journal for the month of

Thirty mares and fillies were brought forward for branding, of which 15 were branded,

Bridles were awarded to prize winners as below:—

                                1.  Johari of Mukhumpur.
                                2.  Girwar Singh of Nagla Ranjit.
                                3.  Nohar Singh of Waina.
                                4.  Ghun Sundar of Bisowli.