Batesar Horse

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, in reporting on this fair, notes:
" The fair was advertised in our list to commence on the 1st and end on the 10th Novem-
ber 1892, but owing to instructions contained in Revenue Department Notification
No. 2354/1-490, dated the 12th September, paragraph 7, ordering the prizes to be awarded on

the day before bathing day, the fair was practically over on the 7th, the day of my arrival.
I was not aware of this order, and had written to the Collector of Agra informing him
that, having been ordered to attend the Garhmuktesar Fair till the 5th, I could not arrive
at Batesar till the 7th, and suggesting that the Judging Committee should commence
work on the 8th. He, of course, under the circumstances, was unable to accede to my
wishes. In my experience of these fairs, the bathing and other religious ceremonies have
little, if anything, to do with business transactions, and as a rule much more buying and
selling is done after bathing day than before. Thus, if the prizes are awarded at an early
date, many horses are purchased as remounts afterwards and stand no chance of a
prize. I would respectfully suggest that on future occasions the date for the judging
and awarding of prizes be left to the Collector of the district or officer in charge of the
fair. "                                                                                                                                     

This subject has been placed before the authorities, and it has now been decided that
No. VII of the " Rules for the guidance of Judging Committees of Metropolitan Horse
Fairs " be altered as suggested above.

The number of remounts purchased at the fair, as given by the Collector in his
report returns received from purchasing officers, was 145.

Horse Show.

The show commenced on the 25th of February and terminated on the 2nd March,
when the Collector, Mr. Porter, presented the prizes to successful competitors in open

The total number of stock present was 1,055, of which 453 belonged to zemindars and
602 to dealers. Last year's total was 1,073, consisting of 668 the property of zemindars
and 405 of dealers.

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department (Veterinary-Major Rayment),
states : " In last year's report I noted that the show had been exhibiting symptoms
of decadence, but that owing to the interest shown by Mr. Punnett, the Collector,
and other district officials, it appeared to have recovered some of its lost ground.
Since then we have to regret the loss of a zealous encourager of horse-breeding in the
death of Mr. Punnett. His successor, I am glad to state, quite appreciates the import-
ance of horse-breeding and the great stimulus given to it by the annual show. " And
in paragraph 5 of his report he states: " The names of the members of the Judging Com-
mittee and the roll of stock awarded prizes will be found in the usual appendices. It
will be noticed that owing to the accidental presence of such good judges of horse flesh
as Captain Gordon, Military Department, Surgeon-Colonel Blennethassett, and the kind
co-operation of Captain Westlake and Veterinary-Lieutenant Walker of the Remount
Department, we had a very strong Committee. But I must again earnestly reiterate my
request for a properly constituted Committee of cavalry and artillery officers, with an
officer of experience from the Army Veterinary Department, to attend Aligarh, Buland-
shahr, and Muzaffarnagar shows. At present the Committees at these places are com-
posed of any one obtainable, frequently of gentlemen with little, if any, experience, and
it is only by chance and the courtesy of officers attending shows on leave or to purchase
horses that a really competent Committee can be formed."

In paragraph 6 of his report, Veterinary-Major Rayment notes that the 31 head of
stock purchased by the Remount Agent for Government were, in his opinion, a very pro-
mising lot of young horses; and the two by " Jala," a country-bred stallion (the produce of
a Government Norfolk Trotter stallion out of a branded mare by another Norfolk Trotter
stallion) were very good, adding: " If country-bred stallions can produce stock showing as
such quality and substance as these, and one other I noticed in the show, we shall be justi-
fied in employing them very largely in our future operations."

The remounts purchased for Bengal Cavalry and Imperial State troops are reported
by the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department as of a serviceable stamp, and well
adapted for the services for which they were purchased.

Captain Westlake, Army Remount Department, notes on the young stock purchased
by him thus: " An improvement on those purchased last year. A most excellent lot of
young stock, the best I have purchased this year, and the largest number at any fair.
Those brought for my inspection with a view to purchase were a very fair lot, and
those actually bought are, in my opinion, taking them all round, a good lot."

Of the several classes, the branded mares and fillies, the yearling colts, and two-year
old fillies were, in his opinion, " perhaps the best."

At the ploughing competition, as at Aligarh, mares with ploughs from the Govern-
ment Instruction Farm, Babugarh, competed with much success.