" Only 30 animals changed hands; but of these 15 were purchased as remounts for
British and Native Cavalry.

" There was very little private business done. But as Rs. 300 were given in prizes
by Government, Rs. 938 by the District Board, and as good prices were given for
remounts, and as some 25 mares were branded, the fair was classed as successful.

" The liberality of the prizes astonished the zemindars, and I confidently believe
that next year, and in subsequent ones, there will be good horse shows at Hansi
if the spirit of horse-breeding is carefully fostered by local officers."

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Veterinary-Major G. J. R.
Rayment, records his opinion thus: "The number of animals attending was 414. The
classification and numeration of stock were imperfectly carried out, as the show being
a new one, the Native officials in charge were unacquainted with the method of taking
the number entering for sale or competition.

" I have much pleasure in reporting that I consider the show to be an unqualified
success. The number attending for a first attempt was large, and the interest taken by
all classes, European and Native officials, private individuals and zemindars, was most

" A considerable amount of prejudice has always existed in the Hissar District against
branding mares. It was pleasing to find that a reward of Rs. 5 for every mare branded in
the show so far overcame this that 61 animals were brought forward, of which I
branded 24.

" The liberality, too, of the District Board in allotting Rs. 1,000 for prizes, which, sup-
plemented by Rs. 300 from Government, brought the total of money for prizes up to Rs. 1,300,
had an extremely good effect. It enabled the Judging Committee to award large amounts
and several prizes to a class deemed worthy of encouragement, and I feel convinced that
this liberality will result in a much larger attendance and a still keener competition next

" The branded mares were a fair class, not, of course, comparable to those seen in
the judging ring at Nauchandi or Aligarh, but still an useful stamp, which, mated to Arabs
or Thorough-bred English, should produce good stock.

" The stock, chiefly by 'Seoni' Arab, were also good, though the majority were,
as might be anticipated, too small for British remounts.

" During the show, I found a country-bred Chestnut stallion 14-1, of unusually good
stamp, which, I am pleased to say, was purchased for a district stallion by the Deputy

" Three bridles were distributed to successful competitors.

" The prizes were distributed by the Deputy Commissioner in Darbar on the after-
noon of the 15th October, who addressed the assembled zemindars, pointing out to them
the profits to be made from horse and mule-breeding, and the erroneousness of their
belief that, by having their mares branded, they rendered them liable to seizure by

" The arrangements of the show were satisfactory, and, considering that it was the
first held at Hansi, every detail worked with wonderful smoothness.

" In conclusion, I beg to thank Captain Parsons, the Deputy Commissioner, for the
keen interest he takes in horse and mule-breeding, and his unfailing courteousness and
readiness to accept professional advice and assistance in veterinary matters connected
with the show."

The unqualified success of this first exhibition is doubtless due to the great interest
shown by Captain Parsons in the horse and mule-breeding industries; and I fully concur
in his remark that next year, and in subsequent ones, there will be good horse shows at
Hansi if the spirit of horse-breeding is carefully fostered by local officers.

The thanks of the Civil Veterinary Department to Captain Parsons are here recorded
for his hearty co-operation in inaugurating the Hansi show, and proving that it will be
supported and considered a boon to horse-breeders by affording them a market for their
young stock.

Jallalabad Show.

This show was held from the 16th to the 18th of January 1893.

The Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department (Mr. Drage), in his report, notes :
" The show may be considered a great success in every way, the classes filling well, espe-
cially the class for branded mares and fillies. All the animals were in very good condi-
tion, and gave me the idea of being well cared for."

The Deputy Commissioner (M. L. Dames, Esq.), remarks that the fair was a very
successful one, is extremely popular, and is doing a great deal to spread horse-breed-
ing in the Ferozepore District.