10th respectively. The certificates and prizes for the horses and mares of classes I, II,
and III were distributed by Mr. A Forbes, the Commissioner of Patna, on the 8th, and
those for the Bengal Cavalry by the Collector on the 10th.

"Altogether there were about 12,000 animals present in the fair, of which 245 only
competed for prizes against 168 in the previous year. Of these 81 only obtained

"Out of 245 animals, 237 were 14 hands and over, and the rest under 14 hands, and
all of these belonged to dealers and none to breeders.

"The number of remounts purchased by Major Webb for the British Service was 11,
of which 6 were over 3 years and 5 under 3 years. The total price paid for these was
Rs. 4,140. The number purchased by Captain Gunn for the Native Cavalry is not

"A statement is appended showing in each class and series the number of animals
exhibited, the marks awarded to the winners, and the quality of the class. Of the
animals that won prizes, 47 were from the Shahabad District, 28 from Ballia, 5 from
Sarun, and 1 from Patna. The order in respect of the number of animals brought to the
fair is the same. A vast majority came from Shahabad and Ballia.

"The Committee gave every satisfaction.

"A statement showing the cost of the whole operations is given in Statement B.
The total expenditure came to Rs. 888-7-6, as detailed below:—




Prizes for horses ... ...







Salary and wages of horse show clerk ...







Miscellaneous, including rent of ground (Rs. 10)












leaving a balance of Rs. 111-8-6 out of a total grant of Rs. 1,000, half of which was con-
tributed by the Government of India."

Veterinary Captain W. D. Gunn, Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Ben-
gal in rendering his report on the show makes suggestions in connection with the sanitary
arrangements, and the following extracts from his report are taken:—

"On the 27th October there were present about 1,200 horses and ponies. The num-
ber increased daily until it was estimated that on the 7th November about 3,000 horses
and ponies were in the fair.

"From the 3rd to the 7th November it was approximately estimated that 50,000
head of cattle, 500 elephants, 3,000 horses and ponies, and 7 camels were standing at
the Sonepur mêla.

"In future I would very strongly recommend that the system which has been carried
out at the Amritsar Fair be tried at Sonepur with such modifications as His Honor the
Lieutenant-Governor may deem advisable. At the present time the landholders levy a tax
of eight annas on each horse and two annas for each bullock.

"With the horses there is little difficulty, but with cattle it is almost impossible to
make a collection, as they are under the present system constantly moved about to avoid
the levy, rendering the roads in the vicinity almost impassable. With a view to rectify
these conditions, I would therefore make the following suggestions:—

      (1)  that a somewhat larger area be taken up for the cattle than is at present the
      (2)   that the cattle be picketted to strong ropes;
      (3)   the ropes to be securely pegged down in long parallel straight lines, a liberal
            space being allowed between the lines of cattle for the encamping accom-
            modation of their owners;
      (4)   that the following taxes be imposed:—




For each elephant







For each horse or pony




For each head of cattle






            a receipt being given in every instance. The landowners to be paid a
            liberal rent for their land.

"Under the present system the District Board of Sonepur not only gives Rs 500 to
the prize lund, but are put to considerable expense in repairing wells, &c. Should, how-
ever, my suggestions be accepted and carried out, I believe that the slight tax would
scarcely be. felt by the people, and the considerable income derived from this source
would enable the Board to make many improvements, the greatest of which would be a
better and cleaner supply of water. Taking into consideration the vast amount of good
water required for such a large number of animals as well as human beings, this becomes
a very important question.