"The usual Statements A, B and C are attached. The show was attended by
Veterinary-Lieutenant-Colonel Hallen, Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department,
and Veterinary-Captain Morgan, Superintendent of the Civil Veterinary Department,
Bombay Presidency. Major-General Sir George White, K. C. B., K. C. S. I., V. C., very
kindly agreed to be President of the Judging Committee for horse classes. The prizes
were distributed to the winners by Major-General Sir James Browne, K. C. S. I., C. B.,
Chief Commissioner in Baluchistan."

The Extra Assistant Commissioner, Quetta, in his letter No. 4360, dated 10th October
1892, to the Deputy Commissioner of Quetta, states:" I have the honor to submit the
following report on the poultry and agricultural produce in connection with the Quetta
District Show, which took place on the 3rd and 4th instant.

"As advertised, all exhibits began to arrive on the 3rd instant from 10 A.M., and

were all registered and ticketed by 3 P.M., when the
Committtee marginally noted sat to judge them, Colonel
Jeffreys and myself not voting on the classes in which we
were exhibitors.

Colonel Jeffreys.
Mr. Ingle.
Mr. C. F. Elliott.
Seth Blick Chand.
Corporal Payne.

"The Committee finished their labours by 5 P.M., and all articles which had obtained
prizes were ticketed, showing the prize obtained. The public were then admitted
to see the show, which was crowded with visitors till dark. The articles continued on
view the whole of the next day, and were seen by several thousand people both from the
town and district.

"The exhibits of poultry were 14 against 2 of last year. The specimens exhibited by
Major Gaisford were very good

"The exhibits under sundries nearly doubled those of last year.

"The potatoes were of several varieties, both from English and country seed, and the
exhibits exceedingly good.

"A collection of garden seeds was exhibited by Sir James Browne, C.B., the
Governor-General's Agent and Chief Commissioner.

"The exhibts under wheat and barley were very few. Some good exhibits of sweet
and Indian corn were shown."

I have much pleasure in recording that this horse fair and show promises to be most
successful in furthering and developing horse and mule breeding in Baluchistan. The
young stock exhibited out of branded mares by the Government stallions were most pro-
mising, and augur most favorably for results which will surely be obtained by Government
fostering the industries in the providing of the best sires obtainable for branded mares.
Moreover, mare owners are thorough horsemen, and are keen on producing superior horse
stock. The best thanks of the Civil Veterinary Department are due to the officers of the
Agency, especially Major G. Gaisford, who are most thorough co-operators in their en-
deavours to develop horse-breeding.

The stamp of northern horses brought to the fair was very good. Most of them were
admirably suited for Native cavalry and a few for British cavalry, and it may be hoped
by the ready sales of this class of stock and the good prices realized that the northern
dealers will year by year be induced to increase the number of importation.

Sibi Horse Show.

This horse show took place on the 13th of February 1893 and three following days.

The following interesting report from the Deputy Commissioner, Thal Chotiali, to the
Agent to the Governor-General, Baluchistan, gives a full account of the number of stock
present and remounts obtained, &c. : "A long continuance of exceptional wet weather
during the few weeks immediately preceding and up to the date of the show rendered it
impossible for many horse-breeders to bring their horses into Sibi, and others detained on
the road arrived too late for the show. But for this the number of animals at the show
would have reached an unprecedented high figure.

"Notwithstanding this, however, it is satisfactory to note that the number present
exceeded that of last year. The number of animals exhibited last year amounted to
1,284, while this year it amounted to 1,332, thus showing an increase of 48.

"The General Committee was composed as follows:—


Major-General Sir James Browne, K.C.S.I., C.E., R.E., Agent to the Governor-General and Chief
Commissioner in Baluchistan.


Colonel W. A. Lawrence, Commanding 17th Bengal Cavalry.
Colonel W. A. Lucas, Commanding 6th Bombay Cavalry.
Major G. Gaisford, Political Agent and Deputy Commissioner, Quetta and Pishin.
Lieutenant A. H. McMahon, Political Agent and Deputy Commissioner, Thal Chotiali.
Major F. Abbott, Commanding 6th Bengal Lancers.
Veterinary-Captain J. W. A. Morgan, Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, Bombay.
Ressaldar Punjab Singh, 6th Bombay Cavalry.