from Imperial Revenues. I understand that Government grants Rs. 2,000 yearly to the
Jacobabad and Shikarpur Horse Shows, and I see no reason why the same amount should
not be granted towards the Sibi Horse Show, which is one of almost equal importance.
The opinion of the Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department, might be obtained on
this point, and, if he concurs in the desirability of increasing the prizes given here, I trust
that you will give the question your support.

"Before concluding, I would invite your attention to paragraph 12 of the report made
of the Sibi Fair of 1892 in this office No. 246 F. C., dated 23rd March 1892.

"One hundred and twelve bulls and bullocks were exhibited this year. They showed
excellent quality. Sanction was not, however, given to the Commissariat Officers present
to purchase bullocks until after the animals had been exhibited and many had left Sibi.
The Commissariat Officer was then only able to purchase six."

It is reported that the remounts obtained were of very good stamp, and this horse
fair and show will, if duly supported, doubtless become a good local market for breeders
to bring their young stock to for sale. Both this fair and that of Quetta ought in due time
to provide a large number of excellent remounts for the army, more especially for the
cavalry. The facilities rendered by the railway communication from Quetta to Sibi
and all parts of India are a great boon to sellers and purchasers.