29. The returns from Kohát and Pesháwar have been returned blank,
though outbreaks have been reported from time to time from each district, such
being the case the accuracy of the returns is not to be relied upon.


30. The investigation of outbreaks and the treatment of cases is at
present entirely confined to Veterinary Assistants who
keep diaries of such investigations and treatment which
are inspected by me while on tour. A Table N showing number of animals
treated is attached.



31. The bulls belonging to District Boards and Municipal Committees
are always brought up for my inspection while on tour and
appear to be carefully tended.

The results of the operations are not received in this office.

Cattle fairs or shows.

32. No cattle shows or fairs have been attended by me during the year
under report, only one show, Gujránwála, being held in
my Circle, during the dates on which it was held I was on
duty elsewhere.

                    V.—VETERINARY INSTRUCTION.


33. Only one of these useful institutions has been opened in the North
Punjab, viz., Siálkot, with its branches at Daska and

It was opened about a year ago and well equipped with medicines and
instruments, and placed under the care of a competent Veterinary Assistant.

It appears to have worked well, many out-patients, principally cattle,
have been treated, in-patients in less degree, though the accommodation is
good. When the benefits to be derived from placing animals under the direct
care and treatment of the Veterinary Assistant become known, I have no doubt
the institution will become most popular.

Work done by subordi-
nate establishment.

34.   While acknowledging that an increased amount of work done is shown
in the castration returns and number of animals treated,
I entirely concur with the remarks of my predecessor Mr.
Drage that the subordinate establishment leaves much to be desired. Under
existing arrangements much cooking of returns and diaries is possible, and until
increased supervision is observed such will continue to be the case.

35.  While on tour, I inspect books, diaries, prove their knowledge of
the districts, &c., as far as possible, but that can only be superficial and the men
are sharp enough to make themselves ready for my coming, beyond this I cannot
suggest any further professional test of fitness for the present.

                    VI.—TOURS OF SUPERINTENDENT.

Districts visited.

36. During the year under report, I thoroughly travelled the whole of the
11 districts in my Circle, with the exception of that part of
Ráwalpindi which was inspected by my predecessor pre-
vious to my taking over the office of Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Depart-
ment, North Punjab, and Hazára, of which district Haripur only was inspected
by me.

Shows and fairs attend-

37.  Veterinary Lieutenant Drage attended Jaházgarh Cattle Fair, Beri
Donkey Fair, both in Rohtak district, and Jullundur Horse
and Cattle Fair, for the Superintendent, Civil Veterinary
Department, South Punjab, who was on leave.

Reviews of the above-mentioned fairs and shows will appear in the
report of Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department, South Punjab.

38.  Personally I attended the following Horse Fairs and Shows:—Jhang,
Gujrát, Shahpur, Siálkot, Lahore, and Ráwalpindi, a copy of report of each having
already been submitted to your office.