with what is being done. No doubt it is most desirable in the interests of Govern-
ment that mule breeding should be encouraged, but any real stimulus in this
direction can only come from a general recognition by the people of the fact, if
it is a fact, that mule-breeding is profitable. When this is demonstrated District
Boards will no doubt not be behindhand in meeting the popular demand.

6. As in previous years, the Subordinate Veterinary Staff has been left
very much to itself. The 64 Veterinary Assistants employed throughout the
Province, however, are said to have treated 38,652 cases, out of which only 13 per
cent. were fatal; but these figures cannot be looked upon as reliable, and there is
no guarantee that the work was well done. A scheme proposed by the Punjab
Government for the reorganization of the Subordinate Veterinary Agency
has recently been submitted to the Government of India, and it is hoped that
it will be possible to introduce some such reorganization coupled with arrangements
for supervising the staff by an officer who would not be burdened with duties
in connection with horse-breeding. With proper supervision the subordinate staff
would become a most useful agency for the prevention of cattle disease, and
promoting cattle-breeding generally

7.  There has been an increase all round in the cost of keep of stallions
of all classes during the past year. The average cost per head of each class varies
considerably in the two Circles. The difference is too great to be accounted for
by variations of prices, and points rather to diverse systems of management.
There is no doubt room for economy in this respect, and the introduction
of systematized management throughout the Province seems desirable. There
are, it is understood, uniform rules as to the diet and management of Imperial
stallions, and these might be adopted for the use of District Boards.

8.  The number of castrations has fallen off considerably during the year
under report. The decrease is no doubt in great part due to the cause assigned
by the Director of Land Records. This branch of the Veterinary Assistant's work
requires supervision if the results are to be of any value.

9.   His Honor is pleased to observe that the dispensaries have been
doing good work during the past year.

10.   The cost of the Civil Veterinary Department to Provincial revenues
was Rs. 18,793, or Rs. 70 less than in the preceding year. This does not include
charges in connection with the Lahore Veterinary College. The Lieutenant-
Governor will be glad if the Director will notice in future reports the expenditure on
Veterinary objects of all descriptions, and on horse-breeding, of District Boards,
noticing especially those Bodies which are exceptionally liberal or exceptionally
remiss in this respect. One of the most difficult questions which from time to time
arises in connection with the apportionment of local expenditure has reference to
the contending claims of different departments—Education, Medical, Public
Works, Police, &c.—to the available funds, and it is always desirable that the
Head of each Department should bring to notice and supply Government with
facts which will enable it to deal with such claims. Information with reference
to local expenditure on Veterinary objects will thus prove useful and may
appropriately be included and commented on in the Civil Veterinary Report.

ORDER.—Ordered, that a copy of the Report and the Remarks above be
submitted to the Government of India, Revenue and Agricultural Department,
and forwarded to the Inspector-General, Civil Veterinary Department; also that
the Remarks be published in the Punjab Government Gazette and be communi-
cated to the Director of Land Records and Agriculture, Punjab.

                                                By order of the Hon'ble the Lieutenant-Governor,

                                                                          M. W. FENTON,

                                                    Revenue Secretary to Government, Punjab.

                  Punjab Government Press, Lahore—8-8-98—260.