
12. The return of tours (Table P) shows that the Superintendents of both
Circles moved actively about their districts. The Super-
intendent of the North Punjab reported on the unsatis-
factory condition of the horses on some of the tonga lines in his Circle.
Veterinary-Lieutenant Smith, the Superintendent of the South Punjab Circle,
also inspected the Simla, Dalhousie and Dharamsála Dâk lines under the
Glanders and Farcy Act, and under his orders four horses suffering from
glanders were destroyed. Veterinary-Lieutenant Trydell also, in addition to
his duties in the Punjab, earned commendation for his energy in dealing with
an outbreak of glanders on the cart-road to Srínagar. Both these officers
deserve credit for the way in which they performed their duties during the year.


The cost of the Civil Veterinary Department to Provincial Funds in the
year under report was Rs. 21,045-8-0 against Rs. 17,989 in the previous year.
The increase under the head of travelling allowances of officers especially in the
North Circle was considerable.

Table R attached to this report shows the expenditure incurred by
District Boards on Veterinary objects and countervailing receipts from horse
and cattle fairs. These figures are taken from the District Board Report for
the year 1898-99, and do not show the expenditure for the year under report.
Arrangements will be made in future to obtain this information for the year
under report in advance of the publication of the District Board Report. It
is noticed that the districts of Hissár, Rohtak, Siálkot and Ráwalpindi derived
a considerable profit from the fairs held in those districts. It is understood
that the income from the fees at the Jalálabad fair in the Ferozepore District
is paid to the Mamdot Estate, which also bears the cost of this fair. The
districts of Hissár, Umballa, Siálkot, Ráwalpindi, Shahpur, Karnál, Gujránwála,
and Ferozepore devote a considerable share of their income to veterinary