"almost invariable history of an outbreak of hæmorrhagic septicaemia is that"
" several animals are suddenly attacked, of which the great majority die in "
" from 24—48 hours, and the outbreak is over in about 10 days. The disease "
" is not so insidious as rinderpest, but the mortality whilst it lasts is greater."
" As a rule one cannot get to an outbreak of hæmorrhagic septicaemia until it "
" has claimed its victims, and the outbreak ceases as suddenly as it begins."

Inoculations against an-

" During the year under report, 3,029 inoculations were performed against
" anthrax with apparently very good results. Six animals
"died after inoculation and I ascertained that these most
" probably died of hæmorrhagic septicaemia. As soon as I learned that confu-
sion between the two diseases was likely, I determined that no inoculations
" should be done against anthrax unless the disease was diagnosed by myself, and
" from that time no more were done as all the outbreaks turned out to be due to
" hæmorrhagic septicaemia. The inoculations against anthrax could do no
" harm if properly done, but Professor Lingard made some experiments and found
" that they were no good against hemorrhagic septicaemia, and it is obvious
"that if animals died of hæmorrhagic septicaemia after being inoculated against
" anthrax, the people would be likely to lose confidence, as they cannot discrimi-
" nate between the two diseases."

Foot-and-mouth disease.

" Foot-and-mouth disease was not so prevalent as usual, and was much"
" less common than last year when it appears to have"
" been unusually severe. Six thousand five hundred and "
" forty-six cases were reported, with a mortality of 0.62 per cent. against 30,231 "
" cases last year, with a mortality of 0.66 per cent. The largest outbreaks"
" occurred in the Kángra and Hoshiárpur Districts. Veterinary Assistants are "
" able to render good service by treating cases of this disease. It is one of the"
" few contagious diseases for which medicinal treatment is really beneficial."
" Concomitant measures in regard to isolation and disinfection are most desi-"
"rable in addition. Several methods of preventive inoculation against this"
" disease are in vogue in Europe where the mortality is much greater. None "
" of them, however, are, so far, very successful, and, in my opinion, are not to "
" be recommended at present for use in this country."

Pleuropneumonia con-

" Two outbreaks of this disease were reported during the year, one in "
" Umballa District and one in Gujrát District. In the latter "
"outbreak, 101 animals were affected, of which 79 died, I "
" regret that opportunity did not allow of my visiting the spot to confirm the "
" diagnosis,as the outbreak was overbefore my services were available. Preventive "
" inoculation against this disease in actual outbreaks is quite worth a trial, and "
" it can be done with material obtained on the spot."


" Black-quarter, called Charbon Symptomatique in the mortality state- "
" ment, was reported from six districts. The total number "
" of cases was 425 and the mortality 78.26 per cent. I "
" regret that I have not been able to confirm the diagnosis of the Veterinary "
" Assistants in this disease either."

Other diseases.

" Under the heading of " Other diseases" are included non-contagious "
" diseases, and this accounts for the small number of deaths,"
" the mortality being 1.58 per cent."


"No cases of glanders came under my notice during the year under "
" report. Some suspected cases were inspected by me at "
" Delhi, but they turned out to be cases of variola."


" During the year an equine disease, regarding which a full report has "
" been made by Veterinary Major Pease and Veterinary Cap-"
" tain Smith, called " Dourine" or " Maladiedu Coit," has"
" been diagnosed in India. It is of great importance as it affects the horse breed-"
" ing industry, and it may be necessary to legislate for it to enable affected "
" animals to be destroyed as is done in glanders."


" Surra was reported from 7 districts, viz., Hoshiárpur, Ludhiána, Feroze-"
"pore, Lahore, Siálkot, Gujránwála and Sháhpur. The"
" most serious outbreak was in Siálkot District, where 44 "
horses or ponies died."