Remarks by Director of
Land Records.

The increase in the mortality among cattle may be partly due to disease
having been more generally reported, and may be more
apparent than real. The extreme importance of receiving
prompt information is evident from Veterinary Captain Walker's remarks on
hæmorrhagic septicaemia. The matter lies ultimately in the hands of the people
themselves, and of the lambardárs and patwáris. The patwári by the Patwári
rules must, at once, inform the Tahsildar, who telegraphs to the Superintendent,
Civil Veterinary Department, Provincial Division. The Tahsildar informs the
Veterinary Assistant concerned and the patwári also sends him information, if
he is in his kánúngo circle. I think the lambardár and patwári are the best
channel of information, and I shall issue a reminder to Deputy Commissioners
asking them to impress on lambardárs the serious consequences of delay, where
the disease is one for which serum is available, and the necessity for seeing that
patwáris transmit prompt reports of outbreaks of disease. At the same time I
must express my concurrence with Veterinary Captain Walker that our Depart-
ment is undermanned, having regard to the work which is before it, and to the
relief which it could afford if we had a sufficient number of Veterinary Assistants.

The pamphlet on the treatment of cattle is to form part of the curriculum
in the new village schools. It is being brought to the notice of District Boards,
and these are purchasing and distributing a certain number of copies. The
pamphlet is issued at a popular price of six pice per copy. Veterinary Captain
Walker has endeavoured to give simple directions as to the management and
treatment of cattle, and the recognition of diseases, and his book should prove
of the greatest use to all cattle owners whom it may reach.

Rinderpest inoculations have increased from 1,279 to 24,457. We also
have 3,029 inoculations for anthrax. It is satisfactory to see that inoculation
is, on the whole, readily accepted, and that its benefits are beginning to be
recognised. The knowledge, which is being acquired of the various cattle
diseases which scourge the country, is a striking proof of the necessity which
existed for a Department solely devoted to cattle.

The papers on dourine have been submitted to the Financial Com-

                        IV.—CATTLE BREEDING.

Supply of Bulls.

"In this connection, the supply of bulls to districts is an important"
" feature. No bulls from the Hissár Farm are yet available,"
"but 1 understand that bulls of one selected breed (har- "
" riana) will eventually be supplied from there, and these bulls will, no doubt,"
"be suitable for the eastern and southern districts of the plains. Other farms"
" will probably have to be started in addition, and the whole matter is now being "
" put before the Government of India by the Inspector-General, Civil Veteri-"
" nary Department."

" It is hoped, therefore, that the question of the supply of bulls will be "
" settled at an early date. It has been arranged that, in future, a consolidated "
" indent will be prepared in the Director's office and then forwarded to the"
"Superintendent, Civil Veterinary Department. The latter officer will then"
"visit Hissár, and personally select bulls for districts."

" This system promises many advantages, and as soon as bulls are available "
" will be put into force. During the year, applications for bulls from several "
" District Boards have been received, but I have experienced difficulty in supplying "
" them. The present plan is that, as a temporary arrangement, District Boards "
" are asked to send representatives to Shows at which I can be present to give "
" advice as to purchases At the ordinary Fairs it is very exceptional for bulls "
" to be broughtin, and, at Shows, where they are brought for competition, owners "
" are, as a rule, unwilling to sell. The fact is that in most districts good bulls "
" are scare . The Jhelum District is an exception. There, bulls of the dhanni "
" breed in Chakwal and Talagang Tahsils seem plentiful,but they are not suitable "
" to all districts, and owners are not particularly keen on selling. I obtained "
"three bulls at the Amritsar Dewáli Fair for the Lyallpur Colony, but 18 were "
" required. I had anticipated obtaining a number at the Hissár Spring Show, "
" but unfortunately, owing to an outbreak of plague, it was not held."