Part I.—The Punjab Veterinary College,

1. The following report for the year 1903-04 has been received from
Captain Smith, the officiating Principal of the College.

Summer Session.

2. The Summer Session commenced on the 21 st April and ended on the
30th June 1903.

Winter Session.

3. The Winter Session commenced on the 1st October 1903 and ended
on the 30th March 1904.

Curriculum of instruction.

4.- During the year under report there were three classes studying, dis-
tributed as follows :—

First Year. Second Year. Third Year.

First Year's Class.

5. The number of new students admitted was 52 as against 56 in the
previous year. The 52 new men were made up of 26 Military,
3 paying men and 23 selected men from Civil candidates
presenting themselves for admission. This class rose to 60 by the addition
of 8 men who had failed to pass their examination at the end of the first year.
Of this number, 53 students completed the course and were allowed to present
themselves for examination. Of the 7 men who did not appear in the examina-
tion, 2 were Military men who had been sent back to their regiments as being
unable to grasp the text-books ; one, owing to sickness, had not attended the required
number of lectures and 4 men left of their own accord soon after admission.

Second Year's Class.

6. The Second Year's Class numbered 41 at the commencement. It was
reduced to 39 by one Military man being returned to his
regiment for misconduct and absence without leave and one
Civilian discontinuing his studies after failing at the last examination.

Third Year's Class.

7. The Third Year's Class numbered 86 and all, having completed the
course, presented themselves for examination.

Re-examination of stu-
dents who had failed in
one subject only.

8. The sanction of the Punjab Government in Revenue and Financial
Secretary's No. 549, dated 20th May 1904, was obtained,
by which men who had failed in only one subject and who had
gained an aggregate of 45 per cent. in the First and Second
Year's Classes were allowed to continue their studies in the next higher class sub-
ject to their passing an examination in the subject they had failed in at the end
of June, i. e., about 2½ months after the annual examinations. A similar con-
cession was granted to Third Year's men who had obtained an aggregate of 50 per
cent. marks. This examination was held for the first time in June 1903, Captain
Walker being the Examiner. Nine students presented themselves, all of whom
passed in the subjects in which they had previously failed.

Annual Examination.

9. For the annual examination, the Board, composed as under, assembled
on the 2nd April 1904:—

President.—Major H. M. Maxwell, F. R. C. V. S. Superintendent, C. V. D.,U. P. of
Agra and Oudh.

Members.—Captain A. S. Trydell, Superintendent C. V. D., North Punjab, and

Captain J. Farmer, Superintendent C. V. D., Hissár.

Results of the annual

10. In the First Year Class, of the 53 students examined, 45 passed, and
of the 8 failures, 4 failed in one subject only. These latter
will be allowed to join the Second Year's Class on the condi-
tion stated in paragraph 8. Of the other 4 failures, one Military student has been
returned to his regiment, one District student to his district, and one free student to
his home, as having done very badly at the examination. In the Second Year's Class
the 39 students examined, all passed successfully. Of the 36 students examined for
the Third Year or Final Examination, 34 passed with success. The two unsuccess-
ful men, having failed in one subject only, are to be re-examined in the one subject