NO. 1757 S. (Rev. & Agri.—Genl.).


                    H. P. TOLLINTON, ESQUIRE,

                           Offg. Secretary to Government,

                                            Punjab and its Dependencies,



                                                            Dated Simla, 20th August 1909.

File No.

Revenue and Agriculture.



I AM directed to submit, for the information of the Government of India
a copy of the amalgamated report on the Punjab Veterinary College and the
Punjab Civil Veterinary Department for the year 1908-09, and to convey the
following remarks.

2.    The year has been marked by an increase in the popularity of the
Veterinary Hospitals throughout the Province. Increased attention has at the
same time been paid to breeding operations and in particular to the standard
and quantity of donkey stallions. The Lieutenant-Governor during a recent
inspection of the Hissar Farm was much pleased with the young stock being
raised there. This should prove of great service in improving the breeding
of mules in the Punjab. In spite of some doubtful results in the Miánwáii
district it is satisfactory to notice that preventive inoculation is usually attended
with success, and is uniformly appreciated. In Sir Louis Dane's opinion the
record of the College and of the Department for the year 1908-09 is gratifying,
and great credit is due to Majors Smith and Walker and the officers serving
under them in their respective spheres.

3.    I am to add that Sir Louis Dane has under consideration a small
change in the form of the report, which at present is written piecemeal by the
Director of Agriculture, the Principal of the Veterinary College, and the Super-
intendent of the Civil Veterinary Department. The change will have the effect
of showing which of these officers is responsible for each portion of the report.

4.    The figures showing local expenditure on the Civil Veterinary De-
partment in table XIV A will be reported later.

                                                                 I have the honour to be,


                                                                 Your most obedient Servant,

                                                                      H. P. TOLLINTON,

                                                   Offg. Secretary to Government, Punjab.

               Punjab Government Press, Lahore—S-9-09—1048—350.